I'M SO READY FOR THE NEW JOB! FFXIV Dawntrail Full Trailer & Female Hrothgar REVEAL REACTION

My Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Full Trailer Reaction! Plus the new caster dps job Pictomancer Reveal AS WELL AS FEMALE HROTHGAR?!? LET’S GOOO ❤Click Show More for my socials~❤
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29 thoughts on “I'M SO READY FOR THE NEW JOB! FFXIV Dawntrail Full Trailer & Female Hrothgar REVEAL REACTION”

  1. The Pictomancer job gear looks SO GOOD!!! My only regret is that it'll be locked to JUST the Pictomancer where I'd want to rock it for all of my casters (plus I can't WAIT to see how it dyes with two channels as we'll probably see some WILD choices from players).

  2. My only regret with Pictomancer is that canonically Alphinaud would have been the best one to take up the job, but of course two new jobs in a row would have been way too greedy, and by Endwalker Alphinaud was already overdue for a makeover. I'm interested to see how they will manage the lore for Krile to be a painter


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