I'm Done Shadowbringers 5.2 And I Can't… (Spoilers)

Shadowbringers Patch 5.2 was a pretty good patch with a dull bit in the middle but a CRAZY ending that I just had to share with you guys! Here’s my FFXIV Reaction.

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Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix. Directed and produced by Naoki Yoshida, it was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 3 in August 2013, as a replacement for the failed 2010 version of the game, with support for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and macOS releasing later. Final Fantasy XIV takes place in the fictional land of Eorzea, five years after the events of the original 2010 release. At the conclusion of the original game, the primal dragon Bahamut escapes from its lunar prison to initiate the Seventh Umbral Calamity, an apocalyptic event which destroys much of Eorzea. Through the gods’ blessing, the player character escapes the devastation by time traveling five years into the future. As Eorzea recovers and rebuilds, the player must deal with the impending threat of invasion by the Garlean Empire from the north.


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20 thoughts on “I'm Done Shadowbringers 5.2 And I Can't… (Spoilers)”

  1. Zodiark was a creation though, wasn't he? A god created by the masses. In order to stop the calamity, which he did, they made Zodiark with the condition that after the land has been restored, the new generation would be the sacrifice to bring back the old, isn't that how they did it? I don't know if there is a way for Zodiark to bypass that, as he was created for that.
    Did I misunderstand something? Sometimes I overlook stuff when I play the game so I am unsure

  2. Don't make an alt and just do NG+ if you want to experience the story again. You can always just do side content on your main, and play a new job or something for it feeling fresh

  3. kro it should be noted that the primals(and zodiark by extension) are manifestations of a collected wish and will of the summoner(s). they arn't generally living, breathing, independant beings, but zeitgeist constructs set to a purpose. if they act in a way it's because they are expected to be and act that way by the summoners. if they have a lust for power it's either to 1. further their intended goal or 2. it's what the summoners thought how they ought act. for instance Ramuh is a fairly benign being because it's a reflection of the sylphs; it cares about what they care about, and they arn't aggressive and power driven by nature. Zodiark's mandate was to protect the complete world against the end of days, it's only trying to return it to that state so that it can follow that mandate.

  4. Zodiark could and would bring back the ancients because they power him and primals are basically like evil AI, they serve the purpose they were made to serve at all costs and basically program people around them to serve that purpose too. Zodiark's purpose was to save the Ancients and he has the power to change the laws of reality. The problem with him doesn't actually appear to be that he was evil or manipulative at all, the issue was that he needs a huge amount of aether the survive and power his abilities so they'd need to continuously feed him huge amounts of living creatures, and if the Ascians were tempered(they might not be since they all have the powerful echo but Zodiark can literally change the laws of reality), they would not try to banish him once he stopped the Calamity. Honestly, Hydaelyn is the manipulative one of the 2 based on what we know at this point if you actually see what each did. She's calling out basically pretending she's blessing people so they follow her, Zodiark was just way too strong to power but he did save them, everyone would be dead if he wasn't summoned, at least from what we know at this point in the story. Hydaelyn's shifty lol.

  5. If you haven't decided on a last name for Krotato, Something sounding Lala-esque to mimic their naming, and still be a clever play on Krojak and Potato:

    Krotato Kro'Mato /or Krota'toe (placing the apostrophe in the best place to force a person's brain into pronouncing it right for full effect)

    Submitted for your approval, from the twilight zone.

  6. The more I learn about Zodiark and Hydaelyn, the more I am inclined to believe Gaius back in Praetorium. Gaius was BASED

    Rewatch Gaius' speech in the elevator before he goes golden mode , you'll see what I mean.

    "If the world of man is to mean anything, man must rule the world."

  7. If you’re already close to finishing msq then why do side content on an alt? It makes more sense to do it on your main
    Also pretty sure the reason why the echo protects you is because you’re a thrall of Hydalin. I don’t think she’s actively influencing you but having such a strong primal be your “master” then it makes sense why a weaker god couldn’t influence you. Or rather overwrite the influence

  8. Yup you are 100% correct, the Ascians are tempered, which is why despite our efforts we can never come to an agreement. And despite Emet-Selch truly wanting to be our friend again in the end he went mad, because in the end they are tempered to Zodiark and will be forced to carry out his will one way or another. As for being tempered to Hydelyn, I don't think the WoD/WoL is at least, my personal belief is that the PC is too powerful and strong of will especially as a now 8 times rejoined hero from the source. Rather I believe what grants us immunity to tempering is that sheer power and willpower, and the fact that the WoD/WoL has a basically unlimited capacity for aether according to EE. However I do believe that everyone with the Echo is in fact a tempered of Hydelyn, which is why they can't be tempered by other primals. While in our case Hydelyn granted us the Echo in an attempt to temper us, would make one heck of a powerful servant, but she couldn't actually temper us so now we just have the Echo as a bonus feature.
    TLDR: both Zodiark and Hydelyn have their tempered and cannot be trusted, imo Hydelyn is even LESS trustworthy than Zodiark cause Zodiark we at least have an idea of what he wants. Hydelyn is just sneaky tempering people

  9. I almost threw my controller when Elidibus showed up dressed as Ardbert. You gonna come at me looking like my close friendo Im gonna lay some hands. Elidibus has no chill.


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