I WAS NOT READY! FFXIV Stormblood Playthrough Part 2

In the second part of our Stormblood journey, after introductions in the Reach and proving ourselves allies, we are introduced to the new Legatus of the Garlean Empire as we prepare a joint assault on Castellum Velodyna. Hope you enjoy!

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

Stormblood Trailer Reaction:

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Intro & Recap 0:002:42
Meeting at the Reach 2:424:23
Royal Palace of Ala Mhigo 4:2310:44
Helping the Reach 10:4417:42
Briefing with Raubahn 17:4219:01
Lookout Mission 19:0120:29
In Crimson It Began 20:2936:50
Aftermath 36:5042:10
Leaving Rhalgr’s Reach 42:1050:02
Preparing for Doma 50:021:00:17
Thoughts & Outro 1:00:171:01:03

#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv


18 thoughts on “I WAS NOT READY! FFXIV Stormblood Playthrough Part 2”

  1. I have to say again: these are really well edited and quite enjoyable!

    The bitter taste of defeat is a new experience for the WoL isn't it? In Crimson it began.

  2. A fun note about the Zenos encounter is that he's level 70, 7 levels higher than you. That's why he takes so little damage. It's the equivalent of taking on Lahabrea in Toto-Rak and getting absolutely destroyed because you're far too low-leveled.

  3. Zenos calling Fordola "Pilus" is referencing her rank. Garlean military ranking has an indicator between fore and surnames – Zenos "yae" Galvus, Fordola "rem" Lupis, Gaius "van" Baelsar — Cid "nan" Garlond. In this case "rem" indicates the Pilus rank, commander of a legion's first ranked cohort. Solus zos Galvus had the zos descriptor for reigning emperor – it would have been Varis yae Galvus while Solus was alive, indicating he was in the direct line for succession. Solus dies, there's bloody civil war and Varis wins, becoming Varis zos Galvus and his son now has the "yae", indicating he's in line for the throne.

    And yes, Zenos kicking our ass was a wake up call for me too. Up until this point, we were the strongest thing for malms around and we knew it, even if nobody else did. He didn't even bother to hang around to kill us properly.

  4. A nice little touch in the cutscene after the Zenos fight is that if you're playing a healer, instead of asking you to hold Y'shtola down while Krile works, she asks you to help heal, and your character does so.

  5. Welcome to the first expansion where your current job and other maxed out job levels actually begins to affect dialogues of the npcs! It's a really nice touch. Later on in other expansions the amount of endgame content you complete (coils, Alexander, [REDACTED], etc) will also affect dialogue from npcs. I highly suggest leveling up other jobs to hear all kinds of neat little nods to your accomplishments later on. This expansion doesn't have very many, but the next two are chock full of them.

    edit Also, Tataru is best girl ever <3 She is just friggin awesome, always. You're in for a lot of very, very Japanese back-and-forth with the people of Kugane. It's remarkably well done. Every Japanese player I've talked to has praised how well they implemented their culture in that particular way without being insulting about it. Considering this is a purely Japanese game I was surprised they would find their own culture portrayed in the game insulting in the first place, but I guess it's pretty common among the younger Japanese gamers to find their representation insulting in their own games? Anyway, just an interesting tidbit of info I picked up when talking to the JP players.

  6. Yes the moment with Zenos was something I also enjoyed greatly. Up to that point you're constantly winning for the most part and then, in comes L'oreal boy and his amazing hair and forces you to sit down, I thought it was a great moment too.
    But more importantly, I see you're understanding lalafell better with that little edit for Krile and how you caught on Tataru essentially blackmailing Carvallain, good good.

  7. I like that your recaps are so detailed. I don't really need it but I think it shows a great understanding of the story. And I think you'll benefit from it in the long run because teaching people is a great way to remember it yourself. And it feels like almost all of it is relevant. As you in the last few episodes, they'll pull out random characters from level 24 a full two expansions later and make them relevant again. And the plot threads all build on each other. It's nutty

  8. Ah stormblood the expansion where I got to 70 in 5 days and thats only cause it was glitched otherwise it would have been 3 or 4. Also the first expansion i tried savage fights and had alot of fun. But still prefer Heavensward overall

  9. several cutscenes will play "We can't have this in episode 2!?" the sheer panic xD
    (also hang in there, some scenes are definitely stressful and take a breather when you do, but we're with you every step of the way o7)

    P.S. Kryle jumpscare 👁👄👁

  10. Good old Stormblood… Even tho it's far from being my favorite expansion, it was one of the most emotional ones to me. I remember how I freaked out after that cutscene 😥

  11. you really made me laugh when you said "we only have to this two more times and all of his swords are done, and we can beat him, right?" I enjoy your playthrough more and more.

  12. 17:00 — "yeah, boys, we gonna go to war, finally" – Terrible, terrible omen XD XD XD

    19:51 — Terrible, terrible, terrible omen: by now, every FF14 player gets PTSD when they see this textbox XD

    20:26 — To be fair: none of us were. Come join the club – we got booze, and cookies, because… we need it at this point ^^°

    26:35 — This I asked myself for months and years… but I think it was the new recruits. This was Fordola's plan: smuggeling her Sculls in, disguised as said recruits, to find the hideout of the rebels and hit them from within. But yeah, its never fully explained, this is just my two cents…

    31:36 — Ah yes… the rude awakening… 😀

    37:07 — PTSD. Dont worry, you're in good company… Now, about them booze and cookies, what can I bring you? ^^°

    38:36 — Also, that guy kneeling next to Meffrid, thats the dude from Ala Ghanna, the one dressing down Lyse and then joining you…

    53:40 — Two, this is LIMSA LOMINSA, its a PIRATE city XD XD XD Of course the captain will be a PIRATE XD XD XD

    1:00:37 — Yes, yes it is 😀


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