i was done with gaming until i played FFXIV

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19 thoughts on “i was done with gaming until i played FFXIV”

  1. not sure how I got this on my recommended but your vid's definitely got all the hallmarks of a youtuber who's familiar with the platform, keep it up and I'm sure you'll do well ♡

  2. The game is very much alive it has been getting better with each expansion. The main advantage of FF14 is that it maintains all of its content as relevant as possible, so all of the past story is relevant for current expansions, past dungeons and raids are populated by players that get rewards for re-doing them with new players, and there is a ton of completely optional content just for rewards like mounts that you can just stumble into.

    And yeah, the devs make some dumb decisions sometime but they've shown to listen to the community. They have shown to follow feedback and when they don't they will justify their decisions, so if you don't always agree you can at least understand their reasons, rather than just ignoring problems and letting them fester.

  3. the only thing people have been mad at the devs for is removing one ability from a class and then one of the ranged classes being a little under powered which coincides with the last boss of this savage raid tier getting a 1% hp nerf (first savage neff since like havensward) but thats about it, other then that which thats like very minor in the grand scheme of things everthing is going great and is continuing to get better

  4. as someone who rarely enjoys mmorpgs, i have easily clocked 650+ hours into this game, and i don't plan on stopping anytime soon. i love the game and its community with all my heart. like you said, they are very accommodating and understanding, and that nature does carry on into most raids, so don't worry about the occasional slip-up; more experienced players are always happy to help. if you think a realm reborn was great, it gets better with every expansion. like, seriously, the jump from arr to heavensward is INSANE

  5. Very wholesome to see someone who falls in love with the game as early as ARR. Takes most much longer!
    You can rewatch cutscenes you regret skipping at an inn room using the Neverending Journey book. They'll always be there for you when you have the time and interest.

  6. I've been playing XIV for like, around 7 years now, maybe 8, and one of the things I enjoy the most is that it's a game that if I get tired of playing, I can just unsub and go play or do other things, and then later when there's new shiny content I can sub back in, take no time to catch up with gear, and enjoy it as if I had been playing it all along.
    The game is incredibly respectful of your time, it has absolutely ZERO fomo incentives save for the idea of clearing raid content while it's "relevant" (except for the very new PvP season non-sense, which I hate, but PvP is not a particularly important part of the game for me and all rewards are cosmetic so it's kinda wtv). It's something that's made me incredibly attached to it, to the point where I think I'd say it's one of my top three favorite games of all time. Of course I've also made incredibly good friends through raiding, some of whom I've even met IRL and traveled together with despite some of them not even playing the game anymore. It's a great game and I hope you have as good a time as I have throughout the years.

    And yeah, sometimes the devs make decisions that can be called "dumb," but they actually do listen to the community a lot, and throughout the years we've had a loooot of changes that have been made for the sake of quality of life, specially when it comes to raiding and balance. Some of these changes I didn't *like*, but I mostly agreed that they were made with improvements to accessibility in mind, and at the end of the day were probably for the best for the game's health.

    The best part about job balance, though, is that for 90% or more of the population it really doesn't matter, cause the raiding community that is impacted the most by job balance (that is, people who clear an entire raid tier on the week it releases) are a very, very small subset of the playerbase.

    I could keep rambling, but the TL;DR is I'm glad you're having fun with it, and I'm also pretty sure you will continue to have fun. Enjoy the story, take your time, and if you get tired of it, you can always count on being able to come back to pick up where you left with zero repercussions to your gameplay experience.

  7. I just started playing changing over from WoW:Wotlk… I hoped wrath was going to be how I remembered but it was not as good. But FF14 gives me those amazing mmo vibes again. I totally understand where you are coming from and loving the experience so far. Great video and keep up the great work

  8. 6:05 Genuinely wondering what the fuck those people were talking about cuz literally the only "bad" thing I can think about recently is crybabies complaining about Hildybrand being mandatory for getting your Relic weapon in EW

    Which they could literally just skip in less that 1 hour cuz the vast majority of the questline are just cutscenes minus the 4 trials, 3 of which you can just unsync…


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