Sorry, I am so incredibly ill right now. My voice is trash.
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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
He sounds under the weather. Get well soon Meoni
The leg out reminds me of the Sparta kick!
After you finish the allied tribe quest you can check the radio for random messages about the tribes
One of them is not about the tribe but about a certain miqote that should be familoar to people who did the other tribal quests
There's no cool parts for male characters.
@Meoni check Wolve's Den new Trophies as well for each GC Left, Right, and Center. New items for wolf marks around 8.5k
That last vendor to the right and under others/ miscellaneous
What’s that chest piece Meoni? Thanks!
Still need to finish the other ones I don't even have that one other dance yet lol
6 more tribes for me and then I can do this quest sighs
You know, I didn't expect that the 6.25 Manderville quests would've foreshadowed the reward for the Tribal Alliance quest, but I'm not complaining!
Endracer would've been a fun title as well
This video was way too long for 2 minor rewards btw!
the new dance reminds me of the can can, personally love it
Disappointed that we didn’t get any added things to spend our tokens on. If we didn’t get the UFO in the same patch I would have been more upset.
rabbits and battries giggity
i've seen s couple of people doing the emote and thought "hmmm, must from the tribal alliance dance, cool!" i trying to find the time to really sit down and go through the quest. now i can make some better adventure plate poses 🙂 ty for the vid
Well, when first I saw the loporrits doing that dance I thought "Aww, why can't we do it?". And here we are.
What is that glam, i dont recognize it and i love it