An in universe explanation of Limit Breaks?! A late night dinner date with our friends?! An aetherology lesson and an amassing of an army to storm into Garlemald. So much happened so fast in Endwalker and it’s showing absolutely no signs of slowing down.
I hope my heart can handle it.
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Terrabellum streams a variety of games and is currently playing through more of FFXIV than Asmongold. He also streams horror and souls-likes and other RPG’s 4 days a week on Twitch!
#ffxiv #endwalker #reaction
"I learned about emotions" perfect title xD
love the content brother, keep it up, to the end❤
Just finished EW recently myself.. I'm looking forward to reliving it through you.. thank you!
11:30 Of course, the correct answer to "what are you?" in both contexts is "still standing".
me avoiding spoilers but watching anyways
I'm a sucker for all the little callbacks to musical titles throughout the dialog. "Torn from the Heavens" being a boss theme in 2.0 made the Limit Break connection explicit in my mind.
Also, hot damn, pointing out Elidibus's Limit Breaks, and his memory issues are amazing points, really great calls there. One of my big takeaways with the classroom lesson was that this is probably the difference between those with the Echo, and those without the Echo: reincarnations of the sundered ancients have the echo, those born from "new" souls created after the sundering do not. Emet-Selch's ability to see the color of souls allowed him to recruit those with the Echo as Black-masked Ascians before Hydaelyn could reach out to them. He could also find the reincarnations of the Convocation to receive the memories of their former selves. Emet-Selch's ability to see souls.
Oh hey, he wasn’t lying to me when he said new video out today at the Gridania aetheryte last night 😅
I'm somewhat of an empath myself
12:40 is one of my favorite cutscenes in the game. It's one of those little things that drives home that you guys aren't just working together because you need to save the world. You're friends. So when you all need to unwind a bit, you get together and have dinner. It's not some big banquet, or other event to be attended. Just a half dozen buddies getting together to relax.
I'm really hoping for a non-hooded Krile in the next expac!!!!!!!!
What you say at the start about Elidibus. I never even thought about that. Now I'm sad too!
9:22 Yup. When he said he would give his all he wasn't kidding.
10:56 Yup, and Omega. The power of the human spirit he couldn't quantify.
12:49 Ali does not like pickles confirmed.
13:05 The twins really do love doing impressions, don't they?
17:22 Mad because smol. Catbois are the second shortest males. Only auri girls and lalas are smaller.
25:20 They have such a good interaction here. Up till now Danny has just danced around and made speeches while Zenos was completely uninterested. This is the first time that Zenos actually initiated.
Yup, nearly all the class and job npcs are there, and they'll have different dialogue whether you haven't done, done some, or done all of their job quests.
40:55 Y'shtola be like "you two been telling tales 'bout me behind my back to people?"
51:50 Tataru be jazzin'.