I Interviewed the Healers Going on Strike in FFXIV Dawntrail

Xeno interviews the owner of the Healer Strike Discord alongside other healer mains in order to find out the reasons why healer players have decided to go on strike in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail.

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#Xeno #FFXIV #dawntrail

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c

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22 thoughts on “I Interviewed the Healers Going on Strike in FFXIV Dawntrail”

  1. Lol, they forget. Still got groups to still formed that dont need to go in. Then forget about the trust and duty support system, it maybe slower, but still can get it done. Smh. Then again, most of the groups that are doing all this have a group formed that been together for a good bit.

  2. Good interview/discussion. I enjoyed listening to it. As someone just coming back to the game after a couple years' break, I don't have much of an opinion on the current state, but I always enjoy the theory-crafting. My personal theory is that healers are one part chaos gremlins, and enjoy randomness and things not going to plan, or a plan that's a bit unpredictable. And their list of favorite encounters seems to agree with that. Which also means that the best place to be a healer is either progressing or in the most casual content where people don't know what they're doing.

    It should also mean that Astro leaning into randomness with cards should also be a favorite, but SE never has gotten that card system quite right (and we the community optimize the fun out of it pretty fast too). Not that I think I could do any better.

    I suspect that if they focused on making the healers more fun to play solo then it would also fix a lot of the high level issues. That and leaning into some classes being simpler and some more difficult, but I agree with Xeno that since everyone has favorite classes just for aesthetics, that's not really likely to happen.

  3. Balancing party/Story content around some ppl whining because they want annoying difficulty so they can feel stressed while playing a dungeon for the 200s time to farm tomes is never gonna happen… The game is designed around don't stand in aoes, they will not change the non maker damage output of mobs so you insta die with a vulnerability Stack if you stand in shit while doing a story dungeon…

  4. I have no idea how this guy gets to be so up his own ass on damn near everything. Would explain why he's on more block lists than friend lists.

    People are tired of playing healers because it's probably the one role that gets shafted every single expac with less than a handful of notable exceptions. Take AST, for example. In 3.0, AST launched in a busted, broken state. Statics wouldn't even accept AST because it just wasn't performing. It took this multi-billion dollar corporation with decades of experience and more resources than brain cells YEARS to fix AST. Once 4.0 hit, AST was finally up to par to perform healing. After 4.0, AST has been changed, gutted, and had its abilities poached every. single. time.

    Scholar is another great example. Back in the 2.0/3.0 days, a lot of people carried around the "job identity" argument. Currently, SCH has no identity since the majority of it has been removed. Coming from the background of a Nymian Marine, basically a COMBAT MEDIC, the vast majority of SCH's COMBAT ABILITY has been removed. Cross class skill removal was the start. Removing DoTs and Bane was another.

    What does it feel like to even play healer? Well, you press one button for 27 seconds and then press your obligatory DoT skill, then press the other button for another 27 seconds. This is the problem – every healer is a carbon copy of each other. Each healer has:

    1 damage skill with the same cast/recast time because it was poached from AST
    1 DoT skill with the same duration because we need to enforce a meta
    1 basic healing skill that you're likely not going to use ever again
    1 advanced healing skill
    1 AoE healing skill
    1 advanced AoE healing skill with a shield and/or HoT
    A variety of generic oGCD heals

    If you remove the skill names, icons, and particle effects, you'd be hard-pressed to figure out which of the 4 carbon copies you're even playing. The unique identity of each healer is simply in the visuals now. Why are healers upset? Because we went from good times to bad times. These problems have been compounding for years. The jobs that we came to really enjoy simply got less enjoyable over time. The ironic part is that while healers are in this position, TANKS ARE THE EXACT SAME.

    FWIW, I've been playing this slop for 10 fucking years. I remember SCH healing Twintania when it was relevant and it blows all current content out of the window. DRK's story is similar to AST in that it launched in a really weird state and steadily, over the course of multiple expacs, turned from a parry-focused, high APM job into a WAR clone. PLD turned into a WAR clone. GNB launched as a WAR clone.

    This game has obvious fucking problems. Xeno being one of them. Why is everyone getting so ass-mad now that people are ADVOCATING FOR POSITIVE CHANGES?

  5. I had a guy running Conjurer in the lv93 dungeon my first time through. He insisted he wasn't griefing and it was okay because I was on WAR. The DPS sat down at the start and I followed suit until we kicked him right at the 5min mark.

    While it's true I would've been fine, it's a matter of principle and people need to get over themselves. If you're that mad either play a different role or gtfo, because actively griefing your party will not change anything

  6. AST main here. Maybe I'm just a dummy that doesn't know how strikes are suppose to help anything, but if you're upset at people doing content without healers, why would you not play healers? wouldn't that just encourage people to find ways to do content without healers even more? I don't think I get it.
    However, I do agree that healers need some more love, especially when you have classes like Warrior and Samurai that just feel like a powerhouse in their own way. But I don't think that striking is going to do much of anything here beside make queues longer for everyone, which is just rude.

  7. I main healer and why the FUCK are they striking, these dungeons hit you super hard. I don't even know if they've even played the new extremes yet. Now that I think about it, what if you die to a mechanic? Who will res if you don't have a SMN or RDM?

  8. lol can we get a interview with actual healers who know what they are talking about instead of these neck beards who obviously have no clue what they are talking about.

    I mean shit they demand a strike and none of them can even commit to it 😂

  9. I think what people are not thinking about is the fact that the devs can see the stats on how many people are playing certain jobs so even if the queues arent impacted that much, they could still see if there was like a 20% healer playerbase decrease

  10. I remember Gordias killing like 8 of my FC's statics and mine which was one of the "lesser" statics cleared it because we just damage and mechanics better despite not getting all the pots and support. Healers cried and complained and they were easily one of the reasons people didn't clear.

  11. The way they talk they should honestly quit the game. They seem to hate everything. Their class, dungeon design, mechs fuck did they even say they like anything but stormblood healer. I watch people die all the time from lack of healing and they want the class to be harder. Was in a alliance raid yesterday and the MT died 3 times from no heals.


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