FFXIV JP Fan Festival 2024 Opening Keynote FULL REACTION

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47 thoughts on “FFXIV JP Fan Festival 2024 Opening Keynote FULL REACTION”

  1. ….. Huh. This was put up ~45 minutes ago.

    ~55 minutes ago I was looking for your full reaction, didn't see it, so I watched the summary video. Missed this release by just ten minutes!

  2. I hope BlitzBall is added in general. I liked blitzball. And they've been talking about it since adding swimming to the game.

    Also, there was basically the Jecht Shot of Light in the Hildibrand quest, for those who've played it.
    Edit: Oh, i HOPE they're wearing jerseys because of blitzball, and not because of the dome. And yes, I hope the dome itself is ALSO a reference.

  3. "Pictomancer sucks and locks gay xD"

    Haps: someone is insecure in chat. its alright, you'll figure yourself out at some point.

    Damn, respectfully owned them with such grace haha

  4. I am surprised they would say they are not doing anymore races considering I am pretty sure the Viera probably doubled their player base with new players, I myself would not have picked up the game if I had not been for the Viera. Hopefully they will not be the last race

  5. FYI, the japanese title for the 8 man raid is è‡łć€©ăźćș§ ă‚ąăƒ«ă‚«ăƒ‡ă‚Łă‚ą which is roughly translates as the heavenly seat arcadia

    So yeah, be prepared for another ascian shenanigans

  6. Something I thought of watching this/rewatching the keynote, could the spoilers stuff like Solution Nine have something to do with the shards with "Terra" from FF9 being the 9th or some other shard? Just off the top of my head we know of the 1st & 13th, but what about the other 4 shards not destroyed due to rejoining, and if not something to go with traveling to another shard then what if it's something from one of the destroyed shards that rejoined the source?

  7. I agree with you regarding Zenos in the Endwalker Ultimate. Like right after killing Endsinger, He starts eating her, you have to fight him on his back, then get launched to the battlefield you fight Shinryu, then New Endreaper form at the very very end.

    But boy I can't to watch people fail to Advanced Light's Relative Rampancy, where you have to do the entire Light's Rampant blind, while Oracle of Darkness drives the Oracle of Light around in Titan's Off Roader, in preparation for it all to rewind, forcing you to do the mechanics backwards perfectly to heal off the eight Fold Doom stacks, while also trying to dodge Titan (Lost) from XVI because he's there for some reason in a fist fight with the Big form of Eden Titan.

  8. Another thing to remember about the TMNT shirt is Yoshida specifically chose a Mutant Mayhem shirt

    That movie has an art style that is made to look like a sketch book

    So glad I was in the pictocamp, so hype

    This entire expansion is gonna be a blast and much needed relief from the end of the universe

  9. So I have a coworker that plays ff14. She comes to me today and asks if I saw the new job with a smile on her face. So last year I made up a job based on her. She draws on an iPad. The weapon would be a stylus and she’d draw monsters that fight for her. I see the job footage and she bursts out laughing.

  10. IDK that Pictomancer was the only job to debut in FF6.

    Terra and Celes were designated as Magitek Elite and Rune Knight, respectively. So unless there’s something lost in translation, and they’re considered like, a red mage and a mystic knight in Japan, that’s something new.

    IIRC, FF6 came out before Tactics, so Edgar would be the first Machinist in the franchise.

    Setzer introduced the Gambler job, which didn’t really have an equivalent in FFV, unless you want to argue that Slots are an equivalent to the Ranger’s Animals ability. And if you say that, then Relm would be an offshoot of Beastmaster.

    Finally, Gau’s ability is a bit unique, but it could be argued to be a more controllable version of Berserker. Whereas Umaro is just a berserker.

  11. 25:39 I think the Limit Break has a solid chance to be Star Prism, based on Relm’s desperation attack. It could have a trio of stars be painted that spin around the target, then explode into a shower of colors.

    It could also be Dark Art from Bravely Default 2, and strike the enemy with a shower of colors followed by a final flourish charged with dark energy

    Or, if none of those, maybe we paint a powerful beast. Say maybe we paint a Behemoth King and drop an Ecliptic Meteor on the enemy, lmao

    It is possible that Star Prism is a normal spell; that one sketch in the job trailer did have 3 shooting stars in it

  12. I think people expect an ultimate with both Hydalyn and Zodiark at the same time, but what about an ultimate where you fight WITH Hydalyn against Zodiark, with calamities happening as the phases as he becomes more and more whole. 🙂


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