I Completed the Entire Blue Mage Log in FFXIV

In this video I talk about my experience completing the entire blue mage log in ffxiv. Initially I had planned on never doing this content as I felt it was pointless and poorly incentivized. While I still feel the incentive is incredibly poor, the actual experience of playing as blue mage and experimenting with its vast and expansive kit was extremely enjoyable. I also touch on extreme trials in this video and how fun it can be to learn those fights as a group of blue mages. Also huge shoutout to the blue academy discord server and youtube channel which made finding people for these logs significantly easier.


23 thoughts on “I Completed the Entire Blue Mage Log in FFXIV”

  1. Good video and criticism of the job. Praying in the next 3years(when BLU gets bumped up to 90), they don't keep the same formula and forget about it(/looks at squadron, chocobo racing, vermillion, and the ever growing list of forgotten unfinished content >.>;). They've got to do something to spice it up. Outside of "BLU Fever" week/month it's a dead job/content. Still sickens me to see what they've done with the job in XIV, but doesn't mean it deserves to be handled the way the devs have been handling it.

  2. Youtube recommendations brought me here, but congrats man. I wish I could get it done but Alliance raids are the thing i'm stuck on. Really wish I could get my log done but need a bigger BLU community on Tonberry, or I haven't found it yet.

  3. I noticed in the footage you didn't play tank blu you should give that a go before you say the job is fun, at 14:19 you mention the low achev rate and say thats it lack of reward which yeah certainly is a component of why people don't play blu but maybe the simpler answer is because its a dog shit minigame class? The fact the updates are so few and far between and the lack of engagement despite how easy some of the achievements shows to me at least that the player base has spoken nobody enjoys it aside from a handful of weirdos. Like eureka where people fuck around with it in its much better state then it was at release(which isnt saying much its still just a polished turd) look at the incredibly small but zealous community and go wow this is great how could people hate this/not do content as this.

    Glad you had fun its easy to have fun with a little side mini game thing like Blu when played casually and as a dps, its a great help in doing relic stuff or fates but nobody who does these blu impression videos ever play tank or even healer blu so they dont get to see this game at its absolute worst.

  4. BLU content is alive only for a month when his patch comes out. After is dead AF. that's why those titles is very low. People don't burn this out for a title who no ones cares.
    Personally, i completed (110) need for a PlayStation trophy. It's only i care about.

  5. I had exactly the same experience, although my story is a bit different – I started because on release of the new patch, my party left after getting the Ruby Weapon from phase 1 without doing Phase 2, and this prompted the tank – a brave man by the name of Alberto – to ask, "no log?", at which point he left the group. This was so psychologically devastating I couldn't stop thinking about my sins and the blu log, so I started it up and did it all – finishing with Ruby Weapon.

    For me as well, it turned out to be really fun. Some of my longest socializing sessions in the game were in those "going down the blu log list of ARR dungeons"-type parties you referenced. The Blu log offers a reason to spend an extended amount of time with people while having little else to do in dungeons but socialize on the way from mob pack to mob pack. The parties I were in spent hours talking about life, philosophy, combat, love… It was something else. And BLU makes even more mode content like O12N actually fun/intense, depending on the group a bit of course. Overall it cemented BLU as my favorite class and I found the grind well worth doing even if not for a reward.

    I wish I could (spiritually) join you on getting the morbol mount, but I promised to do that with my static and we're a ways away from that.

  6. As someone that got into it recently and just finished all EX trial achievements, I totally agree with you. Actually some of the best fun I've had in the game for a while, especially going back and redoing old content.

  7. Respect for doing it but the reason people don’t do it is because BLU is a horrible job that has failed in the job system. Again, mad respect for completing it but yeah… SE failed this test. It’s proven by the lack of anything BLU on a consistent basis. It hasn’t been worth their dev time or pay.

    The only reason I ever play it is for the moogle time events.

  8. Normally never comment on Youtube videos, but I wanted to drop one and let you know that I absolutely love your videos. I binge watched all your FFXIV stuff recently and I really think you fill in a gap I've felt existed with FFXIV content. Just fantastic work, the amount of effort you put into them shows; always makes my day when I see your channel pop up in my subscription feed. Congrats on your completion of the blue mage log, looking forward to seeing what you do next!

  9. I'm really hoping they go all in on BLU content in Dawntrail, especially since we're going to the New World – the place where actual real native BLU mages exist. As much as the goofy stage performer thing was endearing, the New World has real proper battle-hardened BLU practitioners for us to learn from.
    While I was super bummed that they didn't give us a BLU LB with Elidibus fight, Dawntrail is another perfect opportunity to do so.
    I also hope they up our spell slots and/or clean up the spell logs by getting rid of all the spells that are essentially the exact same. We don't need 20 different normal cast time 200 potency spells with no added effects, especially if they aren't gonna make spell elements matter outside the Carnivale.
    In fact, there's another idea right there: make everything everywhere have weaknesses (and maybe resistances or even immunities) to a specific element or physical dmg type (blunt, slash, pierce). Give us reasons to use the other spells that literally nobody ever uses.


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