I Attempted the Bozja Duels… | Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #09

Time for a triumphant return to the Bozjan Southern Front to clean up some more achievements! It’s truly a shame that Endwalker didn’t have an exploratory zone, cause this is some of my favorite content in Final Fantasy XIV. The only question is… did I actually beat any of the duels?

twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ciderspider
twitter: https://twitter.com/CiderSpiderr
lalachievements: https://lalachievements.com/char/35184079/


23 thoughts on “I Attempted the Bozja Duels… | Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #09”

  1. The crafting achievments are a misery. I've been grinding out Culinarian personally – and got my golden pan and title yesterday! Onto Master Culinarian now, and it's a huge pain too.

    I highly recommend doing the achievements for the golden crafting tool at high quality – I'll cut down on the amounts of shards and mats needed for the Master title.

  2. Sorry you had a meh week and kept failing the critical engagements, but to be fair, Red Chocobos are the thing that cause adventurers to retire. Seriously, that guy is the God of Red Chocobos and is invincible! At least you won one duel. I don't think I could win any duels! I will pray for your success in the Southern Front and Zadnor and hopefully you'll clear it all this year. ^_^

  3. I'm an emblazoned bozja enjoyer, the duels are great fun. always trying to get my friends to go do them haha. tip for chocobo, if you take reflect you can ignore the meteors, and it'll also reflect the stack marker which would have saved you on that last one 😛 (dont try to reflect the rotating circle aoes though they'll still give you a vuln)

  4. I remember stumbling on cider spider "mad because small" and now have watched arr, and the pre HW since im in HW myself so dont want spoilerinos. I love his achieviement content since this reminds me of playing xbox games with big bro to grind that gamerscore 😀


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