I almost let her take me.. First Time FFXIV Playthrough Part 30

Part 30 of my Final Fantasy 14 playthrough! Before we venture on the airship to the final Primal Garuda, we need to find a specific corrupted crystal.. Hope you enjoy!

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

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#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv


1 thought on “I almost let her take me.. First Time FFXIV Playthrough Part 30”

  1. 17:13 — So, I created an alt to replay MSQ and… yeah, I feel that… I really do XD

    Dont worry about stats, go for itemlevel. You share gear with Machinists and Dancers and their main stats are mostly the same. You can glam your better armor with these new pieces or put them into your armoire in the inn – its limitless (unlike the glam dresser) so you're not losing anything by keeping them. As for the lvl45/50 Bard set… well, it looks better on females ^^° But you can always mix and match – which is what I have on my bard right now: a mix of lvl50 and lvl90 job gear.


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