How Will We Endwalk FFXIV

Jesse Cox, Youtuber and profession MSQ watcher, questions the Grinding Gear guys understanding of 5.3.

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45 thoughts on “How Will We Endwalk FFXIV”

  1. LOL THE EDITING. Great job with the floating heads πŸ˜‚

    Emet knew the WoL was a shard since Laxan Loft. It really paints his actions in a different light, doesn’t it.

  2. Jesse: Zenos, fork and knifing the moon.
    Me: Hm what other ways could Zenos eat the moon πŸ€”
    Also me: It's a warm and windy night in Garlemald. Zenos has retired to his chambers to give full reins to his brooding. As he sits heavily on the edge of his bed, he picks up a bowl containing various broken pieces of what were once swords, empty bullet cases and gun powder. Zenos rotates the bowl, which is really a hollow Kojin shell, in one direction or another pensively. He reaches out to his moon fruit tree and, after placing the shell on his lap, because those moon fruits requires both hands to pry open with their dried out cheese-like skin, rips it in two. He takes a bite of the soft and juicy center as he once again stares at his bowl. Suddenly, squinting harder to make sure, a revelation comes to him. "My friend… he's alive. He's alive!" exclaimed Zenos. For a moment, he repeats these words with an increasingly loud cackle. Then, recovering his composure and smiling faintly, he adds: "It's time."

    The Moon King. Coming soon on a half-eaten moon near you.

    Love you guys, thanks for all the great content especially the cooking streams/videos!

  3. The Astral and umbral thing is kind of reminiscent of what happens in ESIV Oblivion's Shivering Isles expansion regarding Sheogorath and Jygglagg

  4. In this, Jesse Cox is a god πŸ˜‡, his questions might seem leading, but he is pushing you through 2 years of theory crafting, fixing all the potential misunderstandings you would have normally resolved by compulsory rewatching cutscenes while waiting for the next expansion and interacting with the community at the time, all while keeping a stoned face while you theorize in front of him…… I didn't think it was humanely possible, I remove my hat and salute πŸ––

  5. I really loved all of the banter and discussion for the stream, but seriously the biggest thing I learned from this whole experience is that Jesse Cox must be a terrifying poker player.

  6. KUDOS to Jesse for never correcting the boys on anything they got wrong! It would be so hard for me to not "well, actually what happened is…" 😁 Good job of instead asking them questions that might make them think on stuff they never noticed before πŸ€”

  7. I just can't wait to watch your minds be blown through Endwalker. You might want to wear a helmet so your actual brain doesn't explode. I don't think exploding brains would be good for the streams.

  8. At the end of Shadowbringers, most of the community was on the "Hydaelyn is evil camp." As one of the few who didn't buy that, I actually got into a few debates about it. My logic was she never tried to control us and consistently strove to help us despite being weakened, and despite her nature I refused to beleive she was evil until she actually started acting that way. And I beleived the FFXIV writers to be beyond the anime, "God is Evil" trend. I never seemed to convince anyone, and wasn't convinced myself, so that was actually the answer I wanted the most waiting for Endwalker. Was I right or was I wrong? It was a painful wait. But, no matter what people went into Endwalker believing, it sure did not dissapoint in the story it told.

  9. Sadly, or thankfully, there are still things we dont know, even today(6.4). But i hope some things get cleared before 7.0, because some parts of lore are still missing or not fully explained.

  10. possibly my biggest pet peeve with this community is when people say something like Garret said about Emet, that 'villain becomes a blurred line' with him. It's not a blurred line. he's aided in committing world-destroying mass genocide no less than seven times. He's also founded at least two separate fascist empires, SPECIFICALLY because he knows they cause massive chaos and suffering, and all of his plans require him to kill you and everyone you have ever cared about. He's a villain. Him being a very well written villain does not negate that.

    To quote Brooklyn 99- 'Cool motive- still murder.'

    Also- Elidibus acts WILDLY different from Zenos while in his body. He spends all this time carefully using politics and military tactics to advance the cause of the Empire, which is something Zenos never cared about at all.

  11. Hey, it's perfectly fine to hate Zenos. As long as you're hating Zenos the character as a person, and not hating Zenos the character as a part of the story.
    Because he's a magnificent counterpoint to the WoL and has been since Stormblood.

  12. To kind of add to Jesse's thing about how the Sin Eaters and Voidsent are similar, one of the things I love about Shadowbringers is how they made the light/dark balance effective. It's not a good vs evil thing where you have to have a certain amount of murders to counter giving to charity or something. But they take the quality of Light from a philosophical thing with RPG's in general. Like, going all the way back to the original Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, a "Warrior of Light" is one who fights the big bad evil and restores *peace*. So yeah, like, of course the main character of an RPG is going to be a Warrior of Light, they bring peace, stability, and happy endings. But from there it really is the short skip and jump from light = peace to an overabundance of light = stagnation.

    Likewise, Darkness often being associated with evil kind of plays into how RPG's are structured. You have your calm peaceful life until oops, the big bad shows up and everything sucks now, go beat him up. An RPG villain is so often an agent of darkness, but moreover a proponent of change and greed. Also a lot of RPG's that do have you going up against a corrupt ruler or something will do a thing where the party is branded villains and you have to be on the run or something because hey, you're challenging the status quo. And the fact that 14 weaves it into the story telling and sets the seeds of it WAY back in Heavensward with the Dark Knight quests and how the DARK knight got its start challenging the corrupt clergy makes the whole revelation of Urianger's element chart power point feel earned in the world while also being a nice nod to RPG conventions.

  13. I love the theorycrafting of other players post ShB, it always reminds me of all the crazy theories I had myself when I was heading towards Endwalker and how wrong and right at the same time I was about some things.
    Can't wait to see you guys hopping into Endwalker and reacting to all of the grand reveals and answers that will come up!


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