How To Start Raiding In FFXIV – My Advice for Prep, Practice, & Parties in Endgame Raiding

Some advice and thoughts on endgame raiding for new players in Final Fantasy XIV. If you have more questions about raiding or just want a place to hang out, consider joining the discord here:

0:00 Intro
1:25 Preparation and Gearing
11:11 Practice and Do Damage
18:43 Parties – Static vs. Party Finder
27:56 Wrap It Up – My Advice


28 thoughts on “How To Start Raiding In FFXIV – My Advice for Prep, Practice, & Parties in Endgame Raiding”

  1. Thank you for your video and advice to new raiders and i wanna add something on the list, new expansion prep and new tier preps are kinda different on each other, before savage release there will be 2 weeks timeline seperate from normal raid into savage on that 2 weeks timeline you need to grind tomestone and normal raid relic which converting into crafted gear equivalent item if you don't have much gil, and if you have lots of spare gil you can buy crafted hq gear on savage releases and pentameld them until you get actual tier bis, because pentameld crafted > unaugmented tome gear

  2. I randomly clicked this video and didnt even notice you were under 100 subs. You've earned one here brother. Awesome video maybe it will help my anxiety to try the party finder one of these days lol

  3. Raiding is some of my fav content in this game. My biggest issue with it is definitely people not realizing that an EX or Savage isnt just 'the same thing but faster'. That being said, the feeling of accomplishment from clearing that type of content is some of my biggest reasons for coming back time and time again.

  4. Would you consider it to be difficult starting out as a tank when new to final? I want to try my hand at the hardest content possible since thats what im used to in other games but I have not much experience in this game.

  5. Good, practical knowledge that is straight-forward, and NIN gameplay, I'm in. Really good video. Also, big that you explained setting up a PF, no one ever explained that to me when I started and had some uh, interesting interactions as a result lol.

  6. Is it unrealistic for a group to expect a person to memorize the mechanics of a fight after just watching a video once, because some groups expect that after just one viewing. Unless you have a photographic memory, there's no way

  7. May I add one thing if you do another video like this, the important of UI for raiding, the game default can be configured more then aptly for people to optimise your UI to monitor CDs better, better placement of information within your vision.

    UI optimisation is extremely important for raiding prep and practice, most serious raiders do infact change their UI layout heavily.

  8. Ive played off and on since stormblood. Always wanted to try ex or higher content but can never being myself to commit. I played wow pretty much fulltime from 2004 until legion. I got some pretty serious PTSD from wow raiding and i think that what keeps me from commiting. Usually end up bailing from the game adter doing msq and daily DF, relics, anything i can do solo. I get burnt out because im very introverted (which in itself is another issue). I tried at the beginning of shb and ew but couldnt do it. Ill probably give it another go in DT. Thank you for this video, hopefully it will convince me to give it a go in DT haha

  9. If i could get over my social anxiety, i would love to jump into raiding. I've only ever done voidcast extreme, but I had fun with the added challenge. Between worrying about pf drama (had an ok experience when i used it for voidcast), and the anxiety of applying for a static, i'm a mess.

  10. I'm fairly adept at the game having multiple classes 660 and done just about all content. I'm still not sure it's worth the headache of raiding for what? one ring on each job that I need 660 instead of 650. Is it really worth the aggravation?

  11. Which 2 ultimates have you cleared? I feel like it's a reasonable question for understanding what you're pitching about. Like someone who's done DSR and TOP has quite a different perspective than someone who's done UWU and TEA.

  12. Imho I would always prefer pf over a static, freedom coupled with somewhat reasonable efficiency. But that is just me. Both would be also an option, but finding a solid longterm static ain't easy (both socially and skill level)

  13. the saddest thing about raiding and clearing ultimates that nobody gives a shit 💀so make the prog and clearing your personal good time to remeber those times, a healthy static helps with that.

  14. I’d love to but hard to find anyone especially if you don’t use add ons. People are toxic and impatient on top of it. Even in the party finder they will tell you they are here for practice blah blah but if your group dies 2 times someone always leaves and then the rest of the party follow. Despite those negatives I’ll still keep trying. 😂

  15. Don’t. Just don’t coming from somebody who did ultimates for years, if you enjoy the current game, once you step into raiding there is no turning back. Everything else will feel blend and boring.

  16. either get lucky with finding statics to do content at your pace or be stuck in pf hell like i did for 2 years, it's just not fun to see people playing with friends in groups when i'm all alone on dead EU ….


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