How one mistake in FFXIV reshaped my entire gaming experience

Today it’s story time about how ONE mistake affected my entire FFXIV journey. I somehow managed to skip the ENTIRE Stormblood Expansion – completely on ACCIDENT!
#ffxiv #finalfantasy #stormblood #ff14 #fail #mistakes

I have finished all current MSQ and am going to go BACK and play Stormblood with New Game +, creating a very unique experience, and I’m going to stream it so you can join me!

I hang out in Crystal Brynhildr on Tuesday nights, starting around 8PM EST.

You can support me at

This is going to get weird….

00:00 Introduction
00:52 The Realization


16 thoughts on “How one mistake in FFXIV reshaped my entire gaming experience”

  1. Oh! This is… way, way too late to say this, and perhaps there's some hole in the feature that made it unavailable to you, that I'm unaware of, but… couldn't you have still played SB by utilizing the New Game+ feature? Basically let's you replay story content quests, as if you had never done them prior (minus any quest rewards like items).

  2. I was trying to post this but here goes again.
    As bad as Mog Station is and currently was back in the day. One of the biggest things Yoshida did as part of the concession between SE and him was to not have the Expansions placed inside Mog Station.
    There's a specific reason and if you come from a different MMO (Like World of Warcraft) and that is to safeguard the player from impulse buying.

    Activision and other MMO's that have their expansions placed inside the in-game store is the same kind of mental tricks used for impulse buying at grocery stores. The view is if you go inside the in game store to purchase the new expansion, the optimal goal is for you to purchase more stuff from the store. Because hey, you got the in-game currency and you want to spend all that currency right so here's this item that just so happens to be enough.

    Its pretty much why I tell people just to go through Steam and purchase the game via steam.

  3. I am sure you weren't the only one but you're the first I heard of haha. You definitely missed some great bits in stormblood, especially your excitement to go into Shadowbringers would have probably been through the roof if you played the patch content first. But it is what it is, glad you still ended up loving the game despite missing a good chunk of it in the middle.

  4. I like stormblood. That was a good story. It's more "adult", not stupid thing about the power of friendship and the hope …. I like how we gonna fight for the freedom of gyrabania, i like the asian inspiration, i like raid and bosses… Characters of SB were very important …
    For me, the worst extension is Endwalker :
    – i expected something different from bad vs good, but finally, we felt in this kind of story, even they try to say "hey look, they are not so bad"
    – too many bs like "power of friendship" "power of hope" "we are together and we are ready to fight because love is over all" …
    – too many illogical things …
    – 6.1-6.5 : boring, and looping content …
    – only the music are very good !

  5. it took me like 3 months to get through stormblood. seemed like after every high moment, there would always be a super long period of low moments filled with philosophical and political abstracts that i just didn't care for. i took many breaks from the msq during that period of time to level jobs and beast tribes and party hardy with randos at clubs.

    all in all it reminded me of a good portion of ff12. that game was mostly focused on cross continental/world war and politics for a lot of the runtime. those are not bad themes when isolated in its own game, but coming right after HW's magestic ending and certain reveals, i burned out hard. where i think objectively SB suffers is the fact that it has nothing to do with the ascian plot until the final post expansion patch. that gives new players way too much headspace to completely forget about the greater plot when it comes to matter significantly in the very next xpansion.

  6. 2/3 of 4.0 is a horrible slog and the last 1/3 while good, isnt good enough to make up for the 2/3. that being said 4.1-4.5 is some of my favourite parts of the msq in the game, along with the side content which is def on par with shb.

  7. I lost out on the Shadowbringers pre order bonus for no reason because I was just starting a week or so before it released and didn't realize that it came as a bundle and you didn't have to buy the game seperatly.


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