Do not try to take any of the advice seriously in this video, it is purely for comedic purposes.
Logitech G600 Giveaway (Until 1/24/2021):
Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV, an MMORPG where you can level up your character, fight epic battles, and stare at virtual cat girls for hours. In this video I will show you how to (not) get started in the game!
How (Not) To Get Started in FFXIV in 2021! (FFXIV Parody)
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Where I am from… being attracted to Lalafell is a crime punishable by sudoku.
Great video! I was hoping to convince my sister to play this game. Your video may help her to decide if she wants to start playing it. Thanks for making this video, it really does come in handy!
Just a footnote, there are classes in FFXIV. They are Gladiator, Marauder, Arcanist, Archer, Lancer, Pugilist, Rogue, Thaumaturge, and Conjurer. Believe it or not, they were viable choices during 2.x because we had cross class skills back then. Choosing a specialized classes or aka Jobs meant less cross class skills but we gained exclusive skills/spells which were very useful in a party or alliance settings. For example, Conjurer had ability to cast Blizzard II, an AOE skill from Thaumaturge. This allowed Conjurer to not only have AOE DoTs but also a powerful spell that hit group of enemies. But there were limitations such as Conjurer did not gain Umbral effect where Thaumaturge recovered MP and also the latent effect of Bind/slow on enemies. If the player chooses White Mage over Conjurer, while loosing spells like Blizzard II and Thunder, they gained a spell like Regen or Protect.
I got fucked by steam the same way :/
The best job in the game 🤣🤣🤣🖤🔥
Bro…the steam thing was litteraly me.
Thanks for doing the giveaway
Dark Knights is the best job. Next to Samurai- for me.
I love ur vid 😂 u just earned a new sub keep it up
it's called steam for a reason cause its a giant steaming pile of something
( at least when it comes to FF14 )
Classes aren't jobs though.
Marauder = class
Warrior = job
Umbruhl calamity
There are ‘classes’ in this game as there is ‘jobs’
Classes have lower attributes which are enhanced upon equipping a job stone.
They’re some disciples of war/magic that start as ‘job’ only and have no base class…but most (if not all) of those require access to expansions and having attained a certain level w/ another combat disciple prior.
That wasn't too far off really, even the note about steam/mogstation at end. Though, Miqo'te all the way baby!!! And Gridania cause I'm a nature type!
Costa Del Sol is the only place to be