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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]
Reminder that Yoshi P has said a few times that they start writing the story for each expansion 2 years ahead of its release. I believe they finish it early in the expansion, but I dpn't have a concrete memory of that being mentioned.
Thinking about that and the stuff SE was pushing at the time, I'm beginning to think some people were right.
"Alright guys, let's make our best effort to emulate every facet of modern Western storytelling, which is definitely on top of it's game, right now."
is received badly
"We're sorry we didn't make our girlboss mc confident enough…"
The thing is this: They all thought the community would LOVE wuk lamat. I dont think we were gaslit, I think Yoshida was gaslit by the people in charge of writing the story… I feel like it was entirely done by a separate team…
Okay but Estinien's 2nd most used word being Alphinaud is pretty wholesome.
I was begging to be on a different team but Wuk kept following me..
I think people saying they would have loved a garlemald expansion forget that they said stormblood was boring and a garlemald expansion would have been a stormblood on steroids imo
21:05 smells like SE budget cut situation
There has to be something at work here, like they have been unnaturally pushing Wuk Lamat and the statistics bear it out.
I can't explain why, but that is just not natural.
Wuk Lamat said 39 thousand words… Novellas are around 40k in word count… dear god… I've read we've read an entire novella of Wuk Lamat talking about peace and crying about how much she sucks… I cant do this anymore, I'm out.
"Tis" "Thou" "Loporrits" lmao
19:00 I absolutely have started to sound more like Urianger since playing this game… though to be fair, I've been a Yapper for a long damn time, so.
After doing hard frequency analysis, we get the final result, which is translates as word "Wuk Lamat" 🙂Now I know what there will be ahead when I sometimes travel forward from Stormblood…
This is why, as Zepla also alludes to, I call it the Expansion of Missed Opportunities.
The huge gap between Yok Tural and Xak Tural wasn't explored, Krile's backstory sidelined, how Tural experienced the looming Final Days… So many great opportunities squandered.
Wuk Lmao
The characterization (and not character) stuff really makes a ton of sense. That was something I noticed but never had a name for throughout dawntrail. Good distinction
Wuk Lamat being in THIRD for most words so far is actually insane. There IS NO WAY. We are being bamboozled, right?
I like how Urianger ranks 59 less lines than Krile, but 2,595 more words
Tataru is my favorite character and her total dialogue doesn't even match Alphinaud's ARR dialogue or Hien's Stormblood dialogue
I don't think Yoshi-P understand what good writing means. He's just a lucky to have had great people writing for his game.
'lord'? I guess it's a title and Alphi probably says it a bunch, but I feel like I don't recognize that word all-to-much in XIV.
This thema is ogre fart shit
Everytime I hear the word "papa" makes me cringe.
the whole fucking writers team pet dude. jesus fucking christ. wuk shouldve only had like max 700 lines. and thats being generous
Madness that 50+ levels of ARR says less than Dawntrail.
I can sort of understand her having a shit ton of lines, since shes basically our tour guide until level 98 and its her story. Everyone else is a side character. I found that while it was a different experience; it was a refreshing reset to the game, and a good way to push the story further in the future… now if she continues getting that many lines there is DEFINITELY a problem
Everyone talking about Wuk, but I'm surprised Zero got like 15th place despite only chatting in 5 patches
Fingers crossed that if Wuk Lamat keeps trying to be the Main Character, she will soon adopt our defining trait of just nodding at everything too.
Anyways, I am actually surprised Tataru ended up so low. She rarely stays in the spotlight, but she has short appearances all the time yet they barely add up I see
the problem is. she said all these lines and didnt say anything of value
As bad as this is, you can always look at urianger's most spoken words and smile.
Now i hate this expansion even more
I feel bad for her actress. Must have found it strange to have so many takes for lines, only to discover they were all for different scenes.
Lol Urianger. Tis thou lopo rits
Here for the rage
I'm glad that I'm not alone in my emotional dmg from DT.
I'm a dawntrail enjoyer but as an amateur writer i have to say dawntrail's writing (line by line) quality is pretty middling. it's sooooooo verbose. I think the entire script could have been sliced in half just by tightening up the dialogue and saying things in half as many words. i would levy this complaint at the whole game, especially the first half of endwalker 6.0 and generally they need to say more with fewer words. it's a skill to write more concisely.
LEGITIMATE FIX: if they committed to doing a fully voiced msq, they would be forced to write more efficient dialogue (and the whole thing would be voiced, yay). it would force them use subtext to fit more into less, leave things unsaid to keep us thinking.
I think the dawntrail plot is fine and i really like the first half (the second half is a bit thematically redundant for me) but i think more people would enjoy it if it was told a little more briskly. also we need more gameplay variety in msq pls, more stuff to fight, do some story dungeons (proper rpg dungeons, maybe two per expansion msq) but this is all pie in the sky stuff. the writing is a must.
The expansion isn't over. There's still a chance for first place.
Wuk lamat about to replace the WoL. Soon we are gonna log in and all be Wuk. 😂
This expansions dialogue felt like it was written by someone with social media brain rot. 1000 words 0 meaning.
In reference to the amount of lines in HW, one famous quote comes to my mind which goes something like, "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." Which just goes to show that how much people talk in the recent expansions, yet say so little. In my opinion, the best writing was for the Crystal Exarch in ShB. His every line felt like it was written and then re-written and distilled by poets or literary experts. The vocabulary he uses, the phrasing, the idioms, the structure and add to that, an excellent delivery by the VA, in my opinion, makes G'raha's lines in ShB as some of the best works in this game so far.
How the fuck does Alphinaud have almost double the words as Yshtola ???!??!?
This is what happens when you let the writer put their self-insert fanfiction into the MSQ
Of course it's the writer's fault. They made her and they nade this awful story. I actually LIKED Wuk Lamat during the EW patch content. But she quickly became insufferable in the expac…
The WoL really is one of the side characters in Dawntrail. Wuk Lamat has replaced us.