How FFXIV Hardcore Raiding and the World Race Compares to WoW

If you’ve been curious about how hardcore raiding teams function in Final Fantasy XIV, or you’ve come from World of Warcraft or other MMOs and want to know more about how it works, or you’d just like to know more about raiding in FFXIV, this video aims to provide some insights from an experienced FFXIV world racer.

Thanks to Qoya for editing this video and Eneria, YM, Kifd, Oryza, and Kousuke for helping with the research into World of Warcraft for this video! Also thanks to Momo Dayo for helping compose the music for me!

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0:00 – Preview
0:25 – Introduction
2:15 – Preparing Gear for Raiding
3:28 – Preparing a Raid Roster
4:54 – What Happens on Raid Release
5:37 – Fight Tuning and Bugs
7:02 – What Teams Do During Progression
7:45 – Prior Knowledge of Fights
8:52 – Raid Release Schedule
9:37 – Addons
10:32 – Developer Support
11:11 – Example of an FFXIV Raid Tier
13:47 – Ultimate Raids in FFXIV
15:39 – Conclusion


30 thoughts on “How FFXIV Hardcore Raiding and the World Race Compares to WoW”

  1. imagine Oracle of Darkness sudenly had a different clear hp% that got hotfixed because mcdonalds was going to kill it too quickly. Midpull hotfixes

    good video stal

  2. This not an objective comparision tho. You can clearly tell by the way this is narrated, that this just another video that trys to shit on wow. I can see why people do the switch. Mount and pet collectors or rp'ers feel neglected rightfully so. And ff14 is the right game for them probably, nothing wrong with that. Just i dont like how this is supposed to be a fair comparision, when its clearly biased towards one game

  3. I'm not sure why you're comparing specifically Mythic wow raiding with Savage FF14 raiding. Mythic raiding, especially world first raiding is much harder than ultimate ff14 raiding, and incredibly harder than savage. It was an interesting video to watch, but it should have been called "why I think ff14 is better than wow raiding even though I have never played wow". I'm not sure somebody who has literally never played wow should be doing a video comparing the game she plays to a game she does not, regardless of what people you have talked to who "play" wow, had to contribute to the video.

    I will repeat, Ultimates (while very cool, outside of the fight duration which are just pointlessly long, would be awesome in wow, sort of a raid wide "mage tower", for all those wow legion veterans… that would be awesome) are easier, by a large amount, than a mythic raid.

    They are very different games.

    Do you want very challenging pve content? You choose wow.
    Do you want pvp? You choose wow.
    Do you want gear to matter? You choose wow.

    Do you want a pve game that has very fun, but not so challenging pve content, and essentially no pvp? You choose ff14.
    Do you want a very in depth story? Choose FF14.

    I'm somebody who enjoys both games and has played both games since their initial release, and done so at their highest difficulty (pve that is, both raiding and mythic+, but not world first level raiding).

    Also world first raiding is so different than guilds who raid mythic but don't do it at world first level, many guilds who progress mythic, most in fact, will take months to complete the whole raid. World first raiding specifically is so much more difficult than savage or ultimate, I can't overstate that.

    There are many things that FF14 does better than WoW, but there are many things that WoW does better than FF14, It's ok to enjoy both. It's ok to focus on one without being toxic toward the others community as well, such as this video. FF14 won't kill WoW, Wow won't kill FF14, they both make a lot of money for their respective companies.

  4. hi everyone, thanks for all the great feedback! i've changed the video title to something that may more accurately reflect the content of the video. to address some of the comments, the video isn't comparing the raid in difficulty but rather how the raids are structured within their games and how it affects teams that want to push progression. thanks for your support!

  5. 100% on this insight fully. As a FFXIV raider myself this video hits the insights of how raids are. Plus am gonna recommended it to friends who are curious still about the game. Much love stal

  6. This was so well made! And as a past WoW player, having to do so much for raiding is why I stopped! I'm waiting for cross data center to make a static with my friends :)))

  7. Great information and videos Stal! I could tell when I watch your streams that you’re always very systematic in your approach, but until I watched these videos I didn’t understand the system. Thanks so much for the knowledge! POGGIES

  8. While this video is definitely biased, it highlights why I enjoy progression in ffxiv's raids. I never have to nag my group to grind for gear and wipes aren't too frustrating outside of ultimate aim to clear pulls because we just pull again in 20 seconds.

  9. "That's 2 fights with bugs in 8 years of raids."

    Eh… not quite. O7S (Guardian) had a couple as well. Bomb Deployment would sometimes arbitrarily kill the person defusing the bombs, even when resolved correctly (seemed to be applying the fire damage and fire vuln in the wrong order), and Aether Rot would fizzle entirely if it passed to someone with rez immunity (this was pre-Transcendence buff). I believe the Aether Rot bug was fixed, but SE never addressed the bomb one.

    UCoB also had one patch recently where a bug was introduced that made the fight unwinnable by spawning soak towers outside the arena.


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