Hope | FFXIV: Endwalker Tribute (SPOILERS!!!)

Endwalker was as close to perfection as i’ve ever seen, i only hope that this tribute captures but a glimpse of its beauty.

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMvCfm_AjYo&ab_channel=Jurrivh

Twitter: @ZachNerdTemplar


32 thoughts on “Hope | FFXIV: Endwalker Tribute (SPOILERS!!!)”

  1. omgg i cant I CANT is THAT Emet in the garden? IS THAT THE YOUNGER EMET??? He looked so full of hope! Walking tall and talking with confidence.

    "You will not end our journey. That is our answer"
    "These Elpis bloom serve as proof that this realm is not utterly devoid of hope."
    "In darkness seek joy. Surrender not to sadness and see beyond despair. Walk free together, raise it all off and let it shine till the end…blinding and radiant"
    "The future you seek is not the past that we loved. That is why we fought and why I lost. But though you defeated me…my ideals are inviolate. Invincible."

  2. I really need to stop watching your videos. They break me emotionally every single time. Lol You edit these videos in the perfect way to ensure MAXIUM "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE"! Pease keep up the awesome work!


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