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#FFXIV #FinalFantasy14 #Reaction
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"I am not gonna to play XIV"
few min later
"Is that a MOTH unit?"
This feels so much like a Sonic level and I love running it as a tank.
"Jazzy Moon Zone" 😀
Game title(ロロナのアトリエ)
music (紫電清霜)
I guess it reminds you of Xenoblade because it's the same game genre but without the online component lol (offline MMO)
You need to listen to Shadows Withal from the shadowbringers dungeon.
I don't know why people like this theme so much lol. Final Fantasy XIV has probably the most diverse, well produced soundtrack in the history of gaming…..but this one just doesn't do it for me.
You commented on the dungeon vs boss stuff. FFXIV these fall into 4ish categories.
Dungeons: carrots of happiness, a long fall etc (4 person with an overarching expansion boss theme)
Raids: return to oblivion etc… 8 man content released in a narrative only a boss fight.
Trials: oblivion, what angel wakes me. These are similar to raids but stand alone.
Alliance raids: weight of the world.
24 man fights that are 4 bosses and 3 small fights.
RISE and RISE by the primals >:D
The main melody of the dungeon is a Leitmotive from the area OST the dungeon is located in, which is the polar opposite of the Jazzy vibes you get here.
Good question about the boss music. If you haven't yet reacted to it, then "Finality" is the name of the boss music that plays at the end of each dungeon for the last boss. It is a banger as well.
Of all the MMOs out there, Final Fantasy XIV respects your time the most. Now you don't have to wait in queue for main story quest dungeons because of the Duty Support system. Basically, you run dungeons with a party of NPCs that know the boss fight mechanics.
There are other dungeons in this game that have a jazz vibe: the great gubal library, the great gubal library (hard), Akadaemia Anyder, Anamnesis Anyder, and The Tempest Amurot… ect..,
Dude! The Consouls have a kickass ffxiv Sophia slow jazz cover that I've loved for years!
On another note, there's actually a musical story-telling reason why this dungeon has a jazzy theme! Soken chooses a style or instrumentations to help create the identities of various regions/nations/periods and he chose jazz as the identity of the pre-apocalypse advanced civilization. I imagine it was to give a good blend of more modern sound to reflect how advanced they were compared to our current time, but also evoke the sense of nostalgia for a time that's passed.
As for how the bunnies factor into all of this? They were created by the ancients and survived the calamity that wiped the ancients out, so jazz is essentially a part of their identity as well! 😀
Aside from the boss fights, yeah it plays in this dungeon! XD Glad you're enjoying the music, man! It makes my heart happy seeing you jam out to this. 🥰
Edit: I believe you've heard the mini-boss and boss battles already for dungeons. And yoooooo! I dig The Consouls! <3
So the rabbits are the pilots of the giant space ship that is The Moon and they constructed this place as a residential area, but they changed settings so many times the 3D printer creating it went berserk and now you have to fix that. How is that for a summary! The MC Escher of FF dungeons. I would say most "amaurotine" dungeons have a jazzy kinda dungeon theme, usually a remix, probably to go along with the arte deco aesthetic. This one is a remix of the theme that plays on the moon "One Small Step" which is the most zen song in a video game.
Begin that musical Endwalker journey, it has a lot of great new songs.
I remember hearing this when they introduced the new class: sage. That was the only time I heard it and didn't know where we can hear it in game until this end dungeon. I was so happy and can't wait to get the roll for my house XD
If you are taking requests, I'd like to suggest "In the Balance" or "Neath Dark Waters," the original, the pulse remix, and the Scions and Sinner's versions from FFXIV.
Nice ost👌. I'm Sorry but I don't have a patreon or Twitter or twitch but when you find the time I did have a request, a soundtrack called "storm bringer " its from a psp game called katekyo hitman reborn battle arena 2.
Okay, is someone here who can tell me how to get to that dungeon?
Soken is a God
If you managed to get through FF7, you can totally get through FF14. Easy to play in relatively short bursts, and most of the game can be played solo now. And yeah the comments will keep coming haha
yo I recommend this next
"Where are the rabbits?" You can see them run past at 1:51, 2:00, 2:48, 3:54, 4:05 and 4:54. (Not counting the one in the intro cutscene as they are a Viera, but they do have bunny-ears…)
I like how they implemented the endwalker theme into the song
"Is this Soken"? I know, it's hard to tell without the otamatone but yes.
I'd like to request "statue enchanted by the darkness" – by castlevania sound team!! It's from the game castlevania lament of innocence. The groove is unreal
you just HAVE to smile when this track loads up!
FFXIV- Ultima (The Primals). Aka the battle theme for the Weapon trials. =0
It's also a song with a Taco meme lol
there's a Shadowbringers dungeon that's jazz. Akadaemia Anyder- Shadow's Withal
If you've heard the battle music of Endwalker, you'll notice this is the same leitmotif but instead of being in major key it's in minor key!
As far as I know there are multiple composers in charge of the arrangements, but Soken's the main composer. I really hope you'll react to more dungeon music from FF14 (that are not spoilery because I still hope you'll eventually play the game and cry with us) because as far as I know, for most of the game the quality of the music stay consistent through and through.
Is it possible for a patron to suggest him Reacting to Ff16 trailer?
Sorry to do this to you jesse sneaky installs the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime. ;3
So the song is called "Carrots of Happiness" because the surgeon's original purpose was to be a massive apartment complex on the moon, but the bunny in charge of it got carried away and turned it into an MC Escher painting. And I love that saying all that explains literally nothing that helps make sense of it.
Also just, dungeon music is where the music really shines. Remember A Long Fall? That's honestly extremely representative of dungeon vibes overall.
If we don’t include guest tracks from other games, there’s only 4 main composers. Masayoshi Soken, Nobuo Uematsu, Naoshi Mizuta, and Tsuyoshi Sekito. They all have accolades and notoriety from past FF games so each is a great fit to blending the world of FFXIV.
Fun fact too, Naoshi Mizuta is known for doing music for working on music from your more recent series reactions (Megaman, Street Fighter and Parasite Eve specifically, where he worked alongside Yoko Shimomura).
And even MORE fun fact, this song may have those Xenoblade hints because Soken in his early pre-FFXIV days was a close collaborator and student of Sekito and Shimomura on a number of different games, and who both worked with Mitsuda (Chrono fame) on, you guessed it…
Xenoblade Chronicles.
"Shadows Withal" is in a similar vein, Soken does a great job with jazzy tunes