Hermes, Meteion, and a Familiar Face | FFXIV Endwalker MSQ Reaction/Playthrough! Part 20 [Lvl 86]

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This was streamed live over on my Twitch channel @ !
I mostly stream Final Fantasy XIV, but I stream any game that I play! Bloodborne, Phasmophobia, Nier, Persona, and JRPGs in general (and art streams sometimes, too) πŸ˜€


Quests in this video:
0:00 Their Greatest Contribution
15:19 Aether to Aether
23:00 A Sentimental Gift
38:24 Verdict and Execution
47:28 Travelers at the Crossroads

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Outro music:
β™ͺ Bread (Prod. by Lukrembo)
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3 thoughts on “Hermes, Meteion, and a Familiar Face | FFXIV Endwalker MSQ Reaction/Playthrough! Part 20 [Lvl 86]”

  1. I'm sorry but my autism forces me to nerd out about the possible references I think are in endwalker its my favorite expansion and I can't stop thinking about it.

    I never knew that Venat was Venus! makes sense though. kinda weird that all the other convocation members aside from Azem have the zodiac titles from Ivalice and then Greek god real names. this makes me think our player character Azem is Poseidon as Ayrion is the Endwalker mount which was a horse made by Poseidon in greek myth. I love that Fandaniel is Hermes. literally the messenger of the gods and a psychopomp who mediates and guides souls of the dead. he conveys the message of Meteion from the universe of the song of misery and ruin.

    the Greek god of Misery and suffering Oizys or Algos could be a parallel with Meteion and whose parentage is from Aether(think dynamis rather than aether in game) and Gaia (but probably more of a literal earth like matter and Aether).

    Another possible parallel greek name for Meteion could be Achlys the personification of sorrow and depicted with tears while dying. we see her in the final fight with tears streaming down her face.

    also Aether has a HUGE significance throughout all of history and in various cultures from greek and Hindu to Chinese and Japanese cosmic interpretations and the 5 elements is a common shared organization of physical categories. we can see them in the latest raid with the platonic solids during the fight. earth as the cube, icosahedron as water, octahedron as air, tetrahedron as fire, and the dodecahedron represents Aether or the quintessence which was invisible and thought to be the highest sky or heavens that carried light. Aether in history is often treated funnily enough as synonymous with Akasha (hindu equivalent) or Void/Ku/Sora (japanese Godai) or Dark matter/Dynamis since Aether in ff14 is already taken as a visible tangible force.

    The place we fight Zenos I believe could be called Sunyata(Jainsim) or Anatta(Budhism) which is thought to be a meditative state of emptiness achieved through overcoming the 5 experiences often called the void and sea foam at sunset. we can see the sea at sunset imagery imo in the last zone. and also looks like a big empty sky much like the final world in Kingdom hearts btw.

    in Japanese the word for sky and void is Ku or Sora and is the void from which genius and mastery emanates. athletes and performers and martial artists sometimes talk about the "flow state" and sometimes write about this void of the mind where you act automatically and its this place where creativity comes from. it represents things both beyond and within everything connecting everything. Dynamis or rather Aether is often depicted as a sound (song) intangible yet omnipresent. the realm of void and its vast sky show us the true image of dynamis and its limitless potential. its not sorrow and suffering but its not a guaranteed happiness either. we see it shaped and transformed in the tribe quest on ultima thule as its ultimately an entelechy to everything and has infinite potentiality.

    Meteion tried to connect with everything finding sorrow and her actuality became the embodiment of that suffering she took it all in in a very buddhist fashion and became unable to detach herself from within the heart of the void. she wanted freedom and nothingness but couldn't access Anatta/Moksha or enlightenment because suffering was blocking her. Seeking the ending of reincarnation and the cycle Samsara.


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