Five Weapons of Lore in Final Fantasy XIV

In many MMORPG games, weapons get a certain amount of lore to distinguish them. In FFXIV its mostly done in the background, but the weapons seen during the MSQ are the standouts of the game.

Here are five such weapons!

00:00 Intro
00:29 Tizona – Rahbahn & Pipin
04:14 Claustrum – Kan-E-Senna
08:11 Death Penalty & Annihilator – Merlwyb
15:03 Gae Bolg/Nidhogg – Estinien
21:05 Tupsimati – Louisoix

Thank you so much for watching this video.
My channel is focused on player perspective content, gameplay, theory’s and importantly game lore for Final Fantasy XIV.
As this channel has grown, my goals have evolved, but ever do they remain the same.
That is the creation of videos that mean to bring a smile to a viewer’s face or provide them with even one piece of useful information.

I mean to live up to these goals and the time you have taken to watch my content.

#ffxiv #finalfantasy14 #wyrmlimion


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