FFXIV 7.0: Is Yoshi-P about to FIX This Long Time Issue? | Ginger Prime

Final Fantasy XIV 7.0 is only a year away, but already there are hints that things might be about to change for the future of the game. Is Square-Enix and Yoshi-P about to address this long time issue with the game or will it be more of the same?

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#finalfantasyxiv #mmorpg #finalfantasy #discussion

0:00 Introduction
2:07 The Current Problem
4:00 Gear Score
8:00 Old Content
9:26 Adds a new level of horizonal content


34 thoughts on “FFXIV 7.0: Is Yoshi-P about to FIX This Long Time Issue? | Ginger Prime”

  1. Love your content but I really hope thats not the way the game goes. Not having to worry about that stuff is part of why I fell in love with the game and feel like I can keep up with it and part of why I left WoW.

  2. I 100% agree that gear is an issue and ilvl is part of that issue. It’ll take someone 8-10 weeks of capping tomes for someone to get fully geared out in tome gear then that gear is 10 ilvls lower then raid drops. For alt jobs it’s horrible. Like why bother?

    If I wanted to try out healing since it’s in demand I will absolutely get into no clear PFs despite having cleared all on tank and dps due to ilvl alone. Feels bad.

  3. Double clicked dislike .. still works haha

    Hope you had tried SWTOR or ESO. Both have great storylines. I am playing through all the storylines in SWTOR before going into the expansions.

    ESO has controller support and SWTOR doesn't, well into steam controls you can

  4. I like how easy it is to get gear. But I don't like how boring gear is. PSO2 might not be the most shining example, but it's relatively easy to get gear while still have 5+ builds for every class even if you ignore the skill customization. Because you have 3 different weapons and then your armors have some options as well. FFX gearing you pretty much only have 1 build with 2 gearing options, crafted & currency gear.

    I rather they change gearing and pvp for 7.0 than add new jobs.

    And that's coming from me, who's very pro FFXIV. I've been a sub for petty much the last 1000 days. I know some will say that's nothing but it's for the game as it recently is. Your hours back in 1.0 and ARR aren't that relevant to the state of the game now.

  5. The major issue there, I feel, is that if you give an option to minmax, people are going to do it, and we already see so many examples of endgame parties ostracizing people who don't care for minmaxing. This would create an even bigger divide.
    Even with crafting good ilvl gear, if the materia customizaton is what makes it unique, what of the people who choose not to care about that stuff? They're just gonna be seen as inferior and get shut down from joining parties of people who do care. It's not an overall good solution.
    Also, there's the problem of the game already having an unecessary bloat of minor step gear that becomes redudant the moment the next content batch comes. You can justify it all as being nice for glamour later, but it doesn't change the fact people are grinding like crazy for a 5 ilvl increase to then get it to become redundant later, if not just get entirely skipped by poetics gear later. lol.
    By no means I'm saying I know a solution to this, but surely they could stand to at least make numbers mean -less-, not more. Maybe even just straight up make some of the content gear cosmetic only and not worry about that ilvl bump.
    I do agree though, that some perks other than just flat stat increases could be interesting, just for the fun of it. I just don't see what perks would work well n this game.

  6. sadly XIV has ended up in a corner that it cannot get out of. complexity is not what XIV strives with, for sure, but I would love to see Yoshi P do a new MMO with some take-aways from XIV, New World, etc to bring more sandbox to the series

  7. Idk if I'd come back to the game for perked out gear, but it would be a start. The moment my opinion was set on the story being bad (if you like it, you do you. I don't hate on people for disagreeing), the glaring issues with the gameplay started to show. Namely…it just isn't fun. You rinse and repeat combos over and over while dodging bright red telegraphed attacks. Unless you are a specific gear score, you can't play the content, which is garbage. Materia means nothing for a VAST majority of the options available, meaning that they're only there for the illusion of choice, but worthless if you don't slot them in the right job.

    All this to say: FF14 may not last long enough to end its next saga, for real. If they can't do something to fix the most boring game loop I've ever seen, then it will die within 6 years.

  8. If they fix everything i'll return but if they don't Xx and again i see more less mmorpg ppl trying to stop. what makes a mmorpg a mmorpg plz stop let the game grow try it then make up your mind i have tryed your way now try ours….

  9. It's always amusing when FFXIV players who have never played WoW start demanding Borrowed Power be added to the game.

    I've been enjoying watching OkayMage (WoW Mythic Raider, Mystic+ Player, totally burned out on the latter) start leveling through Eorzea.

  10. Perks could give characters a more unique feel changing up the builds more to fit a play style even among people playing the same job. A lot like destiny 2. Or they could go the route of ESO and add in a different perk tree that you can only level once you've gotten all of the jobs to max. But the stats only appear in certain content and resets every expansion.

  11. bozjah was sick i dont understand the want for a new deep dungeon they made is the same as potd was which is like 6 or so years old so boring lol. i dont think they will ever change up the post patch its honestly kinda snoozer everytime. this time for the first time i feel like people argree with me tho lol

  12. I started playing Destiny 2 a few month ago and I have to say that I love how gear works in that game and how it affect the way you play your class. I wish FF14 adapt some of it, maybe just the exotic system of D2 and disable those effect for high end duty.

    The obsession with PvE balance, specially in high end duties is making the rest of the game stale.

  13. I disagree. I feel like this is more appropriate for a loot focused game. I'm more in line with the proposals people like Xeno brought forward, which would make the gear even MORE boring. Unlocking the raid earlier, making alliance raid gear equivalent to current raid gear, progressively increasing the tomestone cap. I think those solutions would bring a second wind to the game at the precise moment it needs it.

  14. it woudn't work. you want to replace ilvl with objectivly worse system. Game designed as RPG first and MMO second, so you NEED to progress MSQ and ilvl, because it gives journey a meaning. Perks are a mess to balance, just look on WoW. And they are not needed here. You want to disable them in raids? then what is the point of them in a first place?

  15. Any time there is the BiS perk, the community would push for that and in sense exclude people from content unless they have a specific perk.

    Where as now the only thing that excludes people is experience and min item level. Adding perks that would be "optional" would throw more barriers to entry for a majority of the players.

    Think that's why they removed perk gear. Remember the haste belt lol?

    Personally that doesn't bother me, I don't mind the grind. But I know the majority of the community doesn't feel the way I do about that kind of stuff and would ultimately negatively impact the game overall.

  16. My thought on this is this could be ok as long as these are all turned off in savage raid becuse there’s no way to cheese the content with gear. And the challenge is 100% on becoming a better player I run a static that looks to clear by the end of the raid tier and we are here for the growth as players if we are able to just get the gear somewhere els or a perk that makes it easy then why raid. The gear is there to set our power for the next fight it’s not the reward it’s the uniform for the next fight. and having played wow from BC until shadow bringers ff14 has nailed gear in the raids I think there could be more done outside the raids. But to the players that want they systems changed ther are other games that do what’s discussed here not every game is fun to every player and I would never go out demanding say new world change to a liniar system as that would be fucked up for the players that love the system.

  17. As long as meta-gaming exists, player choice is an illusion outside of solo play or curated group play. Anything that doesn't adhere to the meta, or as close as your current gear would allow, is generally going to be regarded as trolling at best and griefing at worst at high levels of play.

    That being said, as someone who is mostly a solo player, I can't deny the appeal in such a proposal. Some of what made the exploratory zones fun was being able to play around with setups and augmentations that worked specifically for your desired way of playing and you didn't have to "worry" about inconveniencing everyone else because you could play solo when you wanted and for the most part with group activities everyone was just doing what they wanted anyway. Had a healer or tank that wanted to faux dps? Who cares, there were enough actions and abilities for you to take care of yourself that you could build around so you didn't have to rely on someone else playing their role in the standard way.

    I'm definitely conflicted because on the other hand though, having been through a recent bout of sickness to the point where I didn't even have the energy to complete dailies at times, knowing I didn't have to worry about it and I wasn't letting my raid team down in any way by taking time to recover was incredibly freeing from a stress/mental stand point, and that's something the current system allows and encourages. And any system that introduces some form of new mandatory play would just add a layer of stress that currently doesn't exist. On top of that, because of meta gaming, even if it was something materia based, there would be an expected loadout you had to bring if you were to have to queue with random people via PF. Even if that expanded things out a bit, you'd probably have one or two "viable" and accepted builds, and if you don't adhere to those, you don't get to play.

    It's a tough problem and I really don't have the answer unfortunately.

  18. I think square enix is just going to remove more and more resources from yoshi p. I mean we aren't even getting an expansion 2 years after the last one any more. So basically its been all Ls since Endwalker IMO. These are HUGE RED FLAGS to keep notice of if you're still playing the game.

  19. Based on current interviews Yoshi-P has made in recent months, it's safe to assume 7.0 won't do anything drastic like what you're suggesting to the main Job System and content as it stands. But he did say that Level 100 would be the end of the original kind of progression in 7.0; so, 8.0 and onwards will have to explore other avenues to renew the game for the new ten-year plan. My personal belief is that the devs should make future main exploration and combat contents formatted like Bozja and Eureka with an independent Leveling System with its own Perks and sense of progression and scale. And then go on to make new Alliance and Normal Raids and anything else new in-between utilizing whatever they do for Perks and power-up unlocks from that content. Also, with regards to old content, I agree with the majority of the community that says it's a long time overdue for a rework with tying to Level Sync, to let us be able to use our Maxed Level Rotations in any old instance, just downscale the values to match the level. Anything to avoid what WoW did with truncating Levels entirely making it what it is now with being like Level 50 again and flattened everything before BFA/Shadowlands.

  20. I recently just started the free trial on this game….I'm honestly glad I know nothing about the game at the moment. This may be what I have to use to cope until Throne and Liberty. It's is gawd awfully slow at first though.

  21. While i like the idea of having all your kit/job abilities in lower level dungeons it definitely needs to be balanced properly if that's reducing the strength/potency of abilities or something like that because if they don't and you have all your abilities at full strength veteran's will just steam roll the lower level dungeons especially arr and I'm worried that it will make veteran players become toxic towards new players and will just make the game overall less welcoming to new players since they will only have Access to a few damaging buttons and do no where near as much damage as players who do have access to all there abilities and get left behind. the reason why I believe they have the level snyc feature and why you don't have your full kit is so everyone is one the same level playing field but that's just my opinion on the matter have a good one brain

  22. Tbh I think there better off making and Entirely new mmo if it's a ff14 2 or something along those lines rather then Dramatically changing the current ff14 because I just think alot of the community will reject any dramatic change I'm sure there will be people all for a dramatic change but alot just like the way the game is now it's just the way humans are Unfortunately they hate change even if it would have some growing pains but be better in the long run as said there probably just better off making a new mmo while still supporting ff14 and continuing to do so

  23. What constitutes as "too long" Brian 😛? 4k hours in two years?

    I started the new relics for crafters and I was thinking of just continuing those for the rest of the patch. I wish they started the relics in .1.5 and .2.5 patches to make ALL relics useful during the entire expansion. Not just at the end being useful or important outside of looks.

    My issue with gear is that its boring and obtuse to get. The gear itself is boring and thats fine if it wasn't gates by 1 activity. Raiding. Raiding isn't hard, so who cares? A bunch of people who's only identity is tied with doing raiding. Yay you cleared week 1, wanna cookie because noone cares.

    The biggest "problem" I have is with anything below 60. Its so boring and slow. Outside of newer jobs, the old jobs suck pre 60. I want the Amaro mount, I don't want to level 5 more melee to 60 more.

    Personally, I think they just need to space out the content smarter for more casual players. Theres no reason why the relics are that delayed that makes sense. Also, why do we wait 7 months for the raid tier to unlock for farming? Why isn't 4 months long enough? There's little things like that littered throughout 14. Why are they still here?


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