Gotta love it when you get tanks like this! #ffxivmemes #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy14 #ff14memes


20 thoughts on “Gotta love it when you get tanks like this! #ffxivmemes #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy14 #ff14memes”

  1. I can't get healers that can handle w2w's very often. It's a true blessing when i do since i know the panic of it when your not the best. I've had plenty of those moments on my sch

  2. I usually start with small 1-2 group pulls as a tank, unless the healer or DPS tell me in chat (or just by running towards the next group of enemies) that we can handle more at which point I go up to wall to wall pulls. Might be a tank main but man the tank-xiety is strong 😭 I just wanna be the bullet sponge, not the leader πŸ˜…

  3. My game plan is pull the first pack and as you are running to the second pop Vengence or rampart, get to wall and then start aoeing, when my HP drops to half I pop bloodwhetting and I'm back to full. Use Arms length to slow the enemies autos and if the DPS are doing their part the mobs should be dead before you need to pop another cooldown.

  4. Dude… for some reason… this wasn't an issue until this new wave of players coming up. It's like they have no idea what their abilities do. Hahahaha. They just got healers spamming heals and wonder why their health bars are rubber banding.


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