Get Player Commendations! FFXIV 6.5 #ffxiv #ffxivendwalker #ff14

It works for both support roles in FFXIV, but the trick is patience!


17 thoughts on “Get Player Commendations! FFXIV 6.5 #ffxiv #ffxivendwalker #ff14”

  1. Good run without any issue: tank
    Sketchy run with people getting hit/die: healer
    Healer died: rez mage
    Niche clutch moment: whoever survives
    1 commendation for DNC/SGE for partner

  2. I always give a commendation to my DPS, I main DPS on another account and know the pain of never getting a commendation. You could have been the last DPS standing and still not received anything.
    As a main tank on my main account, I get commendations just for sniffing my ass on the floor XD I kid, honestly even as a tank, we still get nothing sometimes. Plenty of times, the healer receives all the credit during a wipe…and meanwhile, the tank has been running like a headless chicken using all their mitigation to help keep the last healer alive.
    Healers just living it up there in commendation glory

  3. If I'm playing healer I usually comm the tank if they did at least a decent job, vice versa if I'm playing tank. If I'm DPS I will comm the other DPS unless they did something egregious like not giving me Closed Position or screwing up one of the buffs we share that I'm trying real hard to time so we don't overlap but they still manage to overwrite it.


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