Garlemald Night Theme "Black Steel, Cold Embers" – FFXIV OST

Since Garlemald is (presumably) very far from the tropics, the moon will never be directly overhead this area, meaning the Tower of Babil could’ve never worked as intended. This is a major plot hole and my immersion in the story is ruined.

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21 thoughts on “Garlemald Night Theme "Black Steel, Cold Embers" – FFXIV OST”

  1. But on the world map, the moon is close to the Garlemald xd but yeah it doesn't make sense

    Edit: nvm, the final area is also close to Garlemald (with the moon) but it doesn't mean it's above it

  2. Wait, what does Garlemald being far from the tropics have to do with the moon's position? If this were a [SPOILER] naturally occurring moon, and assuming that Etheirys has tides, sure it would be inclined towards an equatorial orbit. But considering the moon is only around 13,000 years old, why should we assume it has an equatorial orbit?

    From Ask An Astronomer: "It takes less than a billion years for tidal friction to make the orbit of most moons equatorial. If a moon is in an inclined orbit, then astronomers have a puzzle to solve. Either something (like the gravity of another moon) is working to keep the moon's orbit tilted, or maybe the moon was captured recently so tides haven't had time to get it into an equatorial orbit."

  3. Per the moon thing, I believe it is to the north, but not super far. It's a fantasy world and quite literally a star, I don't think it follows real world logic

  4. People think this is fantasy. We are basically living how garlemald turned in to in real time in our own world. But God forbid people say it isn't happening (actual war across the pond says otherwise)

  5. Another immersion ruining plot hole in Garlemald is the fact it can rain there. Throughout the MSQ the NPC's speak about how ''cold'' and ''unforgiving'' the snowy wastelands of Garlemald is but if it rains there then the temperature is obviously around freezing at the minimum and not as devilish cold as the story try to make it out to be.


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