First Time Checking out Final Fantasy 14

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29 thoughts on “First Time Checking out Final Fantasy 14”

  1. Ok some advice for controller, to target something while using one of the triggers (LT/RT) use LB to target something, then use ABXY the cross pad (up, down, left, right) also I suggest you go into your settings and set the cross bar swapping limits

  2. Oh sorry the kraken club was old school stuff, FFXI, the OG online game, low damage but could prok for up to 8 hits, so you’d be your main job/subbing ninja so you could duel wield, have the best one handed weapon for your class, me as paladin, main, ninja sub, I’d have the gluttony sword in off hand, kraken club in main…when ever it prok’d then I’d hit 8 times with the club and the sword, the sword absorbed health, usually only like 20-40…a hit, but you hit 8 times, haha. Could main tank and heal, with barely using any MP, that was one of two ways, of I remember right, of getting the club. And while I like some of the newer/crazy stuff through out FF universe, like in 7, 11 is always gonna be the best, before SE ruined the game. I didn’t catch that you replied when you were live, or else I woulda said something then. I’m finally getting this game so will probably see you in there at some point. But the only travel in FF XI, was running, the chickens (chocobo’s) air ships or red mages teleporting you.

  3. FF XI came out like mid 2002, me and some of my buddies loved it, it was most of this game, with older tech and graphics, before WoW, and way, way more technical/difficult. Had to really think and do things perfectly at somewhat higher lvl, or your party would wipe, let alone god fights, when a main tank, and you get insta one shotted, haha, no matter how good you are, some them didn’t miss, ever, at least against pld’s fulmbhealthbone shots, then the WHM is running for their life with huffs on, as you, as the old tries to get here back, so you could die in one, to 3 hits. Again. Unless you popped invincible, but only could once a day, a real, 24 hr day, and lasted 30 seconds…if you spammed the right abilities you might last 2 minutes, tops, if good and lucky. And maybe you could keep the alliance from getting wiped. Was a truly epic, difficult game, that no one has made the likes of since. And to get the last part of your levels, up to 75…you had to go fight Matt, who matched your job and abilities, mirrored your actions, to unlock the ability to level past 65 I believe, this was a long while ago when I did that, haha, like 18-19 yrs ago. Played until about 2010/early 2011, then couldn’t deal with what they did to that masterpiece. Like letting a kid finger paint over the Sistine chapel.

  4. Word of advice from another sprout
    Actually pay attention to the quest dialogue
    A SURPRISING amount comes back up later, sometimes multiple expansions later
    Hell in some cases what class you currently are can come up in MSQ dialogue

  5. Something that I don't think the game ever actually tells you
    Animations don't matter when it comes to mechanics
    If a skill is an "instant" cast then you can press that on the move
    If a skill has a "cast time" then only the cast bar matters for the attack to go off
    And the orange glowy damage areas only matter when they vanish
    Inversly the blue ones only work while you are in them

  6. I don't know if you know about it as I'm still watching the video, but in every city there are aethernet shards around various spots. Interact with them and you'll open them up to be able to use them to teleport around the city.

  7. I will tell you this, the ARR MSQ may take a while to get used to and it might take a while for you to get engaged in it. Also anything with a blue quest mark is a quest that will unlock something that is not related to the MSQ

  8. I’ve seen your reactions to Jocat’s stuff, especially his D&D & Monster Hunter stuff! Absolutely hilarious!

    I would like to see your reaction to “The Nature of Monster Hunter World “ series by Oceaniz

    The gameplay of the series may be the fun part, but the true stars of the series are the monsters & their homes!

  9. Hey Airier, hope your enjoying your journey in FF14! I'm sure you prolly already know some stuff but I'll share my own little tips. I'll try to keep them short so not to overwhelm.

    MSQ or Main Senerio Quests are your main story quests that, as the name suggests, progresses the main story. You unlock other locations, main dungeons, trials, raids, and more as you progress. Many will tell you that this should be your #1 priority but personally I think it should be 2nd.

    What I believe should be #1 is your main job quest. For you it's archer/bard. A lot of you skils will be locked behind it and should be done whenever possible as you level up and progress the MSQ. They also have thier own little story thats somewhat seperate from MSQ, if anything it will be brefily be referenced in the MSQ.

    And one final, tiny note: If you see big blue crystals, or small ones in a city, attune to them, that's your fast travel and makes moving around much easier.

    With all that said, take it slow and enjoy your time! See you around adventurer!

  10. Keyboard or controller is up to you, but I've played the game completely with controller and loved it. Plenty of customization for both. I've always preferred controllers so it feels so much smoother for me.

  11. I get why you like hard locking the camera, but I'd advise against it. To put it into DnD terms, it essentially gives you max perception of your target while giving you negative perception to around you. So sure, you're focused on the BBEG, but you're missing out on the fact his Evil Dragon partner is charging up a Fireball Breath behind you and you question why all your teammates moved to the side before suddenly exploding in fire.

  12. Welcome to Eorzea, where you either quit in ARR or play long enough to become a walking advertisement! It's worth paying attention to all the story the first time through as tempting as it is just to skip the more boring bits (I fell into that trap on my playthrough), since you'll have moments where you'll have characters remembering you or where events will come back multiple expansions down the line. While it starts off a bit weak with ARR, having been written so there's something for the 2.0 relaunch it manages to be one of the best stories in a game as a whole package, at least to me. It's such an amazing game and I don't regret a minute of the 3.5k+ hours I've put into it.

  13. If you like how controller moves, but not how it feels you can switch on legacy type movement in the Character Configuration menu.
    It lets you move the same way as controller on a keyboard.
    Edit: Looks like someone was helpful during the stream.


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