Today I’m bringing you a Final Fantasy Tanking Guide. This will cover a lot of information for newcomers to the game or beginners in the Tanking Role. This video should be considered the beginning of your journey, not the destination. It is intended to give you the basics, the rest you’ll learn as you go.
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#FFXIV #Tanking #Guide
0:00 Intro
0:34 Turn on Tank Stance
3:24 Learning Your Basic Rotation
8:36 Your Damage Matters
9:58 Global Cooldown and Off Global Cooldown
13:16 Practice in Dungeons
14:33 Mob Targetting Arrows
16:21 Watch Boss Cast Bar
18:25 Tankbusters and Defensive Cooldowns
27:11 How to Pull Mobs in FFXIV
31:03 Use Offensive Cooldowns
32:15 Use Utility Actions
34:08 Telegraphs, Positioning & Movement
I really liked the tip about the boss status progress bar and separating that out! Over a year (and many hundreds of hours) in and you're still educating me on tanking!
I don't use TBN on cooldown. I find it far more beneficial to save for busters or other big hits. Mostly this is due to the 3000 mana cost and burning that big of a chunk at the wrong time can leave you eating an entire hit. Others like Shelltron are definitely best used on cooldown.
I recently started as a berserker, thank you for this guide ^_^
Seem to me , that tanks are going to be in high demand for end
walkers .
Good video 👍
I'm a tank main, I'm just here for Ruri
Great vid for those coming into their own!
Btw: The reason Pally only has one is because Rampart used to be a Paladin skill before the cross role revamp 😛
Me in my trial account at level 49 dps: FASCINATING!
As a Tank main I'm gunna watch this for no other reason than you released it.
Another good thing to point out is generally its bad to stack your cooldowns all at once, you get diminishing returns (e.g if you press rampart and reprisal for an attack that does 100 damage you take 72 damage, 28% mitigation) so what I do for dungeon pulls (especially big pulls) since damage is constant, is push one cooldown like rampart, then as soon as it falls off, push my short cooldown (eg heart of stone) then when that ends push another big cooldown like nebula, then since nebula is too short for hos to be back up, I go straight into camouflage. I have more experience on pld and gnb but I do know all the tanks fairly well and will admit this example is skewed as drk and war both have some big exceptions in how they use their short cooldowns, but the general idea of one into another still stands. Overall this is a good beginner guide I’d say, explaining the most important concepts well with some good examples. A few small nitpicks and mistakes, like divine veil does nothing for the paladin themself, the shield is only applied to the rest of the party. For beginners I’d personally also suggest wesk alber’s job guides where he talks through each skill and its uses as you level, I probably would never have gotten as far as I did without them.
OGCD this nuts LMFAO.
Thanks for mentioning to keep the enemies still for melee dps, I still see some tanks wiggling the boss around from time to time. Like how am I supposed to clap their cheeks if bosses are twerking in a circle man. True north and riddle of earth helps mitigate that but they should be for emergencies
A tanking guide for beginners that starts off by pulling everything… All the visual learners wondering why they keep dieing and then got kicked out.
What is tanking 🙃
PLD has a pretty unforgiving rotation, one mistake and you lose a lot of DPS. Happens to the best of us.
BTW whatever happened to your Final Fantasy Channel Ruri?
im that odd person who tanking is giving anxiety too. thank you for this ruri
Hey Rurikhan this is unrelated, are you considering playing SMTV? It's really good would live to play it with you.
Hey Ruri, i've been a long time watcher and you have influenced me into beginning ffxiv and i'm loving it so far, however, i've got the game on ps4 and I've been struggling with the controller, would you be willing to do a guide, or indicate one on how to properly use the controller?
ps (love the third fleet podcast, keep up the great work)
The cat girl comment was cringe.
Appreciate your XIV content Ruri. Some comments that I have:
27:15 It's generally better to cycle through your defensive cooldowns starting from the longest recast time to the shortest. Your longest OGCD would usually come off cooldown not long after you use the shortest. In the case of Paladin it'd be Sentinel > Rampart > Arms Length + Reprisal > Sentinel > etc.
22:00 I know you did briefly gloss over it during the mob pulling section. But probably worth explicitly mentioning that for dungeons, it's best to think of Arms Length and Reprisal as a single defensive cooldown and you should use it at the same time. When I was learning tanking in dungeons, my runs went smoother when I think of them that way.
Looking forward to your in-depth PLD guide, I used to think PLD as simple until I tried tanking Extremes with it.
Ruri making it to the big time, Lulu's highlights. Nice!
Yo I didn't know we were doing Piccolo's training camp out here, I feel personally attacked 🤣🤣🤣
Good stuff though!
As a person who leveled all 4 tank, I pretty much knew all of this, still watched the whole way though good video. A little tip for those worried about boss turning away from them. There are times where the boss will hard target someone not the tank, don't panic this is fairly normal, sometime the boss fully turns around even, again this will not be your fault. Finally a tip about looking at your aggro, on your party list, right in the corner of your Job icon there should be a number or the letter A, the letter A means that you are the one with aggro, so as tank if you got that you are solid.