THAT Y'shtola scene?! Chad Thorsen Reacts to the FFXIV 6.1 MSQ

FFXIV 6.1 MSQ is finally here and Chad Thorsen takes it all in one glorious scene at a time. The 6.1 MSQ begins a new journey for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn as they begin to uncover the mysteries of the 13th in the process of taking some time off from saving existence from ruin. What new mysteries will FFXIV endwalker lead us toward? Only one way to find out!

00:00 Opening with Tataru
05:57 Mysterious new villain?
07:12 Newfound adventure!
08:06 Meeting Estinien at Radz
16:34 G’raha and Krile together
23:52 Y’shtola caught cat napping
30:01 Urianger and Thancred chilling
39:03 Finding the treasure room
46:24 Vtra’s Story
1:02:03 FF4 villain?!
1:05:11 Opening the portal
1:07:47 THAT Y’shtola scene
1:13:20 Testing out the void
1:22:14 Who is this?!

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14 thoughts on “THAT Y'shtola scene?! Chad Thorsen Reacts to the FFXIV 6.1 MSQ”

  1. Glad you're posting these Chad. Sadly I usually watch your streams when I was at work on my phone but it just doesn't like Twitch, so now this is the only way to see your reactions.

  2. I'm so sad I missed this stream. Had to deal with work and family stuff that kept me >< But it looks like you had a lot of fun! Froth and Foam!
    Honestly this patch had a lot of GOOD Y'shtola content, not just fan service but for her character. I'd say there were more Y'shtola than most expansion where she was in, and all that in one patch. I think lowering the scale back to allow more character moments was a great idea.

  3. Remind me of when I got e-mail from some juniors.
    Me: erm, what's with all this e-mail address, looks like some edgelord or weird stuff
    Junior: I made the account back in teen, when I was in the "phase".
    Me: oh, ok.

    even the advising professor found them amusing.

    About familiar, normally they are arcane entities without soul, although ensouled familiar (familiar with soul) can be created at least in the unsundered world, even if still rare, hence our excuse back in Elpis.


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