"Call him by his name" – FFXIV Animation

(spoilers for Shadowbringers)
The echo activates during the Exarch reveal. :’)
Fanmade, animated in Blender.

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#ffxiv #grahatia


29 thoughts on “"Call him by his name" – FFXIV Animation”

  1. i’m literally sitting in my hotel room at this convention staring at the 8 g’raha tia art pieces i’ve bought when i got this notification THANK YOU.

  2. I don't like how railroaded it is. But Happy for others that love this guy. My Wol may not care for him, but always happy to see great work and will appreciate it

  3. I ship my friend's AuRa with G'raha so I love this. All it is missing is my cat yelling for them to just do it already. This vid is pure weapon's grade cute. ANOTHER!

  4. When Shadowbringers was released at some time in the story I already had my theory, that he was G'raha..

    The moment it was revealed, I felt so happy to see him again and that he's part of the MSQ now..
    Always tearing up at this part of the story and I ALWAYS have to "Call him by his name"

    Staying silent is no option!


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