Some side quests are just more relevant than others.
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0:00 – Introduction
1:05 – QUEST: “The Hidden Truth”
7:28 – QUEST: “Drawing a Blank”
12:24 – QUEST: “Seeking Answers”
16:29 – QUEST: “The Honest Truth”
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Edited by Daniel Floyd
♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon
#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood
Hey there everyone, how was your weekend?
2:38. Uhhh "Have you not heard me called: Warrior of Light, or Eikon's Bane?. ;; no you wouldn't hear the last one, only the empire calls me that." ^^;.
Damn, I had completely forgotten this questline was a thing. Granted, at this point, I was still doing every side quest I could right away instead of saving them for alternate jobs (this would change later in Stormblood but I would still level cap my main job in Shadowbringers oops), but yeah.
Didn't expect Durmin to actually do this quest
I pointed it out in a comment ages ago that it was some extra activities people who were into the story of the Garleans should do or something xD
This questline continues into the unlocking of the snek ladies daily grind quests, but you just find another vial of blackrose and dispose of it, I think? The Garlemald part of it is done done (the snek tribe is one of the fun ones tho. you get long nails you can paint and that charmed emote from the Lakshimi fight)
YAY NEW VIDEO! 😀 this is such an interesting side-quest! I'm glad Durmin went through it 👍
Until just this moment, I would have sworn that this was a white mage quest.
I'm guessing that I did this quest concurrently with the white mage class quest in the same area and put them together in my mind.
That said, I'm glad you did this one. This is a very good side quest to show, for reasons you alluded to.
There's an epilogue to this questline, unlocked though doing another optional quest involving a dispute between the chief of the M tribe and a younger member. After solving this dispute, you the youngin' decides to do some adventures nearby.
That's how you encounter him again, as he aids you when some Ananta ambush you. Turns out, these Ananta have some live samples of Black Rose. It seems that the research isn't as lost as we hoped.
It's absolutely ridiculous that this isn't in the MSQ… For no particular reason at all.
Even though most people will be doing this for the aether current (which is needed to unlock flying in the zone)
This quest chain is also required to unlock the ananta daily tribe quests (the snake women). They are pretty fun and actually change some things about that region if you do them, so to anyone playing the game themselves I'd recommend doing them
25:53 Interesting to see how they handle another case of a broken person with no memories of their past who has done great evil in comparison to how it's handled with Tsuyu.
I guess both instances are "let the government decide", but here, even if it's just the opinion of two army officials, we as the player are led to believe that he would be punished severely, while Tsuyu was to live in Doma in peace…
It really does feel like parts of this expansion were written by different people…
This side quest had me stop cold. Like, it does make sense in terms of the world and story and yet it still felt like too dark a story to include based purely off of what I'm used to encountering in non-rated-R media.
(Imagine my surprise later on.)
This was a good lil quest chain, its nice when we get to see content outside the MSQ
17:23 "bad weather we're having" says the Hitchhiker's Guide-style Rain God of Eorzea.
Playfriends, it's time for sidequests! This is your spoiler free lore comment!
As Dan says, this story line is one of the requirements to unlock flight in The Fringes. But it's also part of the unlock quests for the Velodyna Gatekeepers! The Velodyna Gatekeepers are a resistance team which now hold Castellum Velodyna, which bridges the two halves of The Fringes. They are one of the combat job tribes that players can grind out reputation with. The Gatekeepers are lead by Alpa, an Ananta and daughter of the Vira Broodmother. Commanding the Velodyna Gatekeepers is Alpa's first leadership position and she's unused to associating with the diverse traders which cross the Velodyna River and stop at their post for inspection. Fortunately, her trusty second in command J'olhmyn is a bit more worldly, and helps her out with tips.
As with all side quests, this chain occurs at the time when it's first unlocked. As the quests indicate, they're designed for level 61, which would place it around the time that Zenos leads the attack on Rhalgr's Reach and the Scions are forced to refocus their efforts to the Far East.
19:00 – You got chemical warfare in my fantasy JRPG! Black Rose is a horror which would allow the Garleans to wipe out entire cities. So horrible that Gaius van Baelsar objected to it. And unfortunately, it's not the only alchemical weapon in the game. If you recall from Dan and JoCat's adventures, Ul'Dah used Trader's Spurn to destroy their rival city state Sil'dih, turning the residents into zombies.
23:45 – The location of the canister that Durmin discovers is somewhat important. That vast tree is instrumental to the local ecosystem, and its roots grow deep. Deep enough that it picks up all kinds of nutrients and minerals. And maybe some toxins too…
And that wraps up this little questline! The unlock for the Velodyna Gatekeepers continues at the M Tribe's settlement, where the Nuhn will ask you to help train one of the young men of the tribe, M'zhet Tia. M'zhet has challenged the Nuhn (M'naago's father) for his position several times, and been trounced in each attempt. M'zhet is the son of a previous Nuhn, and feels he has something to prove. The M Tribe's numbers had shrunk due to the Mad King's tyranny and the Garlean invasion. It was decided that it could no longer justify having two Nuhns, and M'zhet's father chose to leave the tribe. M'zhet seeks to bring glory back to his line's name. The problem is that he's incredibly inept. The quintessential disaster catboy. But M'naago's dad sees something in him, so it's up you to get him on the true path towards being a great warrior.
Next time: Uh, maybe some MSQ?
After this sidequest, I'm honestly kind of surprised that Gaius van Baelsar of all people would end up being the one Imperial to have a somewhat consistent history of opposing the use of WMDs (if I remember correctly, he was one of the people who opposed the idea of dropping Dalamud on Eorzea way back when) under the reasoning that they wouldn't leave anyone to conquer.
anyways: probably more MSQ next time, which means yay, I can finally get back to properly doing that thing I was doing that sorta resembles what the spoiler-free lore guru's been doing, except from the perspective of some random weirdo who isn't quite as well-versed on the lore!
Garlean mustard gas potentially being significant in future is… interesting.
Black Rose is a particularly nasty thing, even for a chemical weapon. Vague spoilers below.
This particular sidequest chain has ramifications two xpacs down the line. Well, more like one and a bit, but still.
The more we learn of Garlemald, the less it seems like Gaius fit.
one of my favourite tropes is when the C-plot takes over the A-plot, and the video game equivalent is when minor side quest things that seemed to be there because of Content turn out to be extremely relevant. I love the feeling of a story that has momentum you don't expect. (My favourite ever example: Warframe, and specifically how the big reveal, the Second Dream, is foreshadowed)
To believe in Garlemald is to believe in evil and death
At 6:53, Molkoh addresses the anomalous presence of Garlean soldiers when you do the quest late: "Still, I find this quite curious. The Garleans were said to have retreated from this area. What were they doing here?" If you do this sidequest earlier in the MSQ (when it first becomes available, for example) she instead says, "Still, I find this quite curious. By all rights the Garleans should be too busy contending with the Resistance to waste time in a place like this. What were they doing here?"
If Ala Mhigo has already been liberated, the implication seems to be that the Imperials are on a clandestine mission into liberated territory to pursue their escapee.
If anyone is thinking of trying out FFXIV from this playthrough, I would generally recommend doing any sidequests that feature an image, as those tend to be the quests that have more interesting stories amongst the regular sidequests.
Hi there. This is unrelated to the video, but Joseph Anderson uploaded a "critique of Lies of P" recently. He put special emphasis that although he lacked the language to discuss the animations, he believes that they may be some of the best in the business, and he wished someone with expertise would do an analysis. Figured I'd bring it to your attention.
I can only imagine what kind of significance Black Rose will have in the future, but it can't be anything good…
It's nice that these side-quests are on the shorter side, that was lovely!
Very disappointing news regarding JoCat. That's why we can't have nice things – or people.
Ah, Black Rose. If this was another game, that would be in bold and end up in a discussion menue…