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0:00 – Introduction
0:49 – QUEST: “While You Were Away”
11:49 – QUEST: “Rhalgr’s Beacon”
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Edited by Daniel Floyd
♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon
#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood
Yay, now we need to save Krile (she dies, we riot
How was everyone's weekend?
Yesss!!! <3
5:50 That “Walker” business is also likely a reference to FFXIV Legacy
The way the echo usually manifested in 1.0 is not by just giving you visions of the past, but by making them look like as though you are physically there, and seemingly (emphasis on seemingly) being able to interact with past events. Prior to meeting the Path of the Twelve (1/2 of what would later become the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, lead by Minfilia) and having your ability explained to you, you would be tossed into such an echo quite often, and it was rather confusing, to say the least, as one moment you’d be holding a musket, being dared to fire at a target, and the other some guy who wasn’t there a second earlier would rip that musket out of your hand and scold you.
These early-game echos was also how you as a player were first introduced to Y'shtola, Thancred, Papalymo and “Yda”.
The "Otherworldly interference" Alisaie is referencing is the ship graveyard in The Sirensong Sea on the way over to Kugane, Dan.
I do love that the devs know that every player will immediately understand what glamour prisms are and are willing to use them as a plot point here. It shows that they are thinking of the practical applications of systems they have created and how that would change things in the world.
Hey Dan,
If I remember correctly (and its entirely possible I don't) Minfillia mentions Arenvalds echo when you first meet him towards the end of ARR. Oh, and the supernatural shenanigans is likely Sirensong Sea, as he's talking about the journey across the sea.
Kind Regards,
24:50 Here is one of my biggest strife with Stormblood. Lyse isn't in any shape or form suited to lead the rebellion. She knows nothing of the place she claims to be from and she's a poor leader in general.
If anything someone like that put in charge would be the symbol of putting Ala Mhigo under the tutelage of the rest of the Eorzean alliance, it would kill the resistance, and as a political leader it would create riots. She's acting as a "white savior" character without the racial stereotyping.
The only thing she got for herself is her lineage, and that feels incredibly wrong. She's Simba coming back for her throne, and everything will go well not because she's good at any of the things she has to do but because she's destined to.
Also Conrad you have to be quite the failure as a leader to have no one in your current entourage to take your place if something would happen. You've seen Lyse like a week then she just went on the other side of the map to frolic, and you have more faith in her than in people that served under you for years?
34:01 Regula van Hydrus is who you're thinking of, the Legatus of the VIth legion (get it? Because Warring Triad? FFVI?).
5:34 Not that I recall.
15:37 You can just let Durmin at her, it worked before.
Even though plot raisins dictated she not die25:08 Flashbacks to SWTOR, where you collect more titles than sense, not all of them worth the effort, imo.
27:46 I mean… maybe? I can't fault him for it though, it was his blackout that gave them an opening. It's very reasonable to think someone might reconsider putting him in similar positions due to the Echo possibly removing him from the fight entirely.
30:25 I have to say (mostly because I don't know if I did already), that the Ananta just kind of floating feels weird to me. It probably wouldn't be as bad if the tail was longer, but I'm vaguely aware of hard snake tail movement is to animate (mostly by seeing it break spectacularly).
32:44 I didn't mention before, but I really like the katana run animation.
33:38 You mean fight her again. She had plot armour last time, let's see if she does again.
33:41 That's some talk coming from someone who was saved by plot armour… she was literally on one knee, defeated when she got bailed out.
35:52 I see she gets plot armour again…
37:24 Runnin' away, eh? You yellow bastard! (It's also funny she runs right after telling her troops to stand their ground)
38:34 I'm also amused that the most experienced fighters (Ishgardian Knights) are the ones not charging to their deaths, but holding their ground.
Playfriends, it's time to head back to the sands of Ala Mhigo! Right? This is the correct Final Fantasy? This is your spoiler free lore comment!
1:20 – He means the Sirensong Sea, Dan. Alphinaud doesn't like ghosts. This will come up again in the future.
Krile hasn't even been here for a full expansion cycle yet, and she's already getting kidnapped and menaced! She's cute and an overachiever.
4:45 – Eeeey, Dan is doing an attempt at a Gyr Abanian (Northern England) accent. A decent try! This dialogue reminds us that Arenvald has the Echo. This isn't the first time it's mentioned, but I think this might be the first time it's been explicitly stated in the MSQ. Arenvald said that a "dream" lead him to the Rising Stones and the Scions in the first place, but the truth of it is that he followed an Echo vision. What is not so explicitly stated is that Arenvald, being a decent combatant and possessing of the Echo, is effectively Durmin's understudy. Well, not like he's helping record videos, but that he's being trained to handle Primals.
17:00 – "Though effective, appear to be ineffective" – Sun Tzu. The idea of pretending to have weaker troops (or strategically placing your actual weaker troops) to draw you enemy in has been used since ancient times, but usually to allow for an encirclement of the opposing force. In this case, it's to draw them away.
21:45 – Oh! Seems like Dan has done some more Grand Company work! He's now a commissioned officer!
I love that the devs use these little callbacks to flesh out the ranks of the Ala Mhigan resistance, and to remind you of all the people you've helped during all of those little quests. Wilred would've liked to be here, at Durmin's side, liberating Ala Mhigo. Another promising youth that Ilberd helped cut down.
25:15 – Enough Titles? The Hero of Ishgard, the Champion of Eorzea, Chosen Undead, Ashen One, Bearer of the Curse, He who rules over cards, Snack Deliverer…
33:38 – If it hasn't been obvious, a provincial officer like Fordola having a Garlean gunsword is a high honor, and marks her as Zenos' favorite. She's shed the defense of her buckler for the fencing ability of the Garleans.
Play of the Game – M'naago Rahz for capturing the enemy flag and scoring! Oh, by the way, the gryphon that she uses is a mount provided by the last reputation tribe of Stormblood! They're the Ananta, the snake folks who have been helping the resistance, but more formally the group is called the Velodyna Gatekeepers. They're the resistance troops who are garrisoned at the this bridge, who also cooperate with the local Ananta in the area and the M-tribe of miqo'te (M'naago's family!). Fulfilling their reputation grind allows you to get a gryphon of your own!
oh right, Ala Mihgo is still a thing…
I really want the angle of Lyse being a stranger in her home country to be explored further
Even if she somehow became a leader, she knows nothing of the Ala Mhigan day to day life and they have no reason to trust her leadership skills apart from her being loyal to the cause
She herself has no connection to the country apart from vague childhood memories and an even vaguer sense of patriotism
It's a position I don't remember ever seeing in games
Either you're the native trying to reclaim your place or a stranger coming in to help, it's neat
I don't remember anybody other then him using the term "walker" and I find that delightful, and slightly confusing.
It's still crazy to me that Krile and her posthumous grandfather Galluf are just pulled wholecloth from FFV. I think I was the only person in my group of FFXIV friends who had actually played FFV, and everyone thought I was kind of silly when I was freaking out at Krile's introduction.
Yes! Victory for Ala Mhigo! Whooooo!
I'll admit I'm a little worried about handing so much responsibility to Lyse at this stage, she's still very young and inexperienced. She'd need a lot of help and training before she could handle being in charge of anything.
27:52, I need durmin to jump and thwack Arenvald upside the head >>;. (Like a certain endwalker meme.) Bruh, there's taking this too hard, and then there's where you've gone.
To be fair, it's less that Lyse would be in charge of the resistance and more just the Rhalgr's Reach portion of it which she could probably manage a good deal better than the entire resistance. The way Conrad phrases it when talking about the rest of the resistance and how fragmented it was in early stormblood, his role with them (and potentially Lyse's) is less of leader and more "chief spokesperson" or some such. Not so much in charge of them as in charge of relaying their decisions and what they'll be doing to the rest of the alliance.
10:42 She's his senpai, after all.
The bridge here turns out to be the quest hub for one of Stormblood's three Beast Tribes, so it'll be relatively important on an unlock-everything playthrough. As far as other story stuff, you'll actually get a lot of insight into what's going on with some of the characters here in an xpac or two, depending on your Role Quests.