Final Fantasy XIV – Shadowbringers – A Playthrough Reborn – Bard

I read the quest text so you don’t have to! 🙂 Follow along as I make my way through the FFXIV MSQ for the second time! Come for the story and hang for the chat.

Shadowbringers takes place on the First, a parallel dimension on the brink of collapse, where the player character is summoned to rescue and restore the world. Several comrades accidentally trapped there join them, as well as Emet-Selch, an immortal villain who seeks to harness the First’s apocalypse to restore his deity, Zodiark. Emet-Selch accompanies and tests the player character, confident despite their meddling. In addition to adding new areas, the expansion pack increased the level cap, debuted two character classes and two playable races, and introduced the ability to explore dungeons with non-playable “Trust” companions.

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