Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #18 – Children of the Everlasting Dark

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_______▼ CREDITS ▼________

Edited by Daniel Floyd

Thumbnail art by Dan Jones

________▼ MUSIC ▼_________

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

________▼ CHAPTERS ▼_________

0:00 – Introduction

0:20 – QUEST: “Stirring Up Trouble”

11:01 – QUEST: “A Beeautiful Plan”

20:55 – QUEST: “an Unwanted Proposal”

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27 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #18 – Children of the Everlasting Dark”

  1. Huh, didn't think they'd explicitly confirm the Lightwarden effects so soon, then again I also entirely forgot the actual length of a base game expansion story (I thought it was around 40 parts when really it's just over 30).
    I do like that despite all the hate we are seeing the remnants of love for Ardbert and the WoD, it's a trash consolation prize but I'm glad knowing there's still some testaments to their good deeds.
    I'm also wondering what the Exarch's powerset entails, he's a mystery that only gets more intriguing.

  2. If I had a nickel for every time Urianger was being suspicious cause he's not sharing what he's up to I would have 2 nickels.
    Which isn't a lot, but it's interesting it's happened twice so far.
    But compared to last time I'm mainly curious what he's not telling instead of being suspicious of him. I have the feeling he's not sharing anything in the hopes of a better outcome.

  3. 5:30 – Also an interesting note, The Source and it's shards started out all identical, but then over the millenia the Source has been subject to the repeated devestation of the Calamities, which while each destroyed and consumed one of the shards, left the OTHER shards as they were. So while Rak'tika may be seen as a version of the Black Shroud if CBU3 was making it today, it can ALSO be seen as showing what the Twelveswood would have looked like had it never been subjected to over half a dozen Calamities.

  4. Throwing bees at people? Throwing bees at people. Well, more like throwing them into houses/spider stables.

    Y'Shtola doesn't tend to do things by halves, huh?

    Also, never a bad time to point at laugh at Vauthry. Of course he just wouldn't blunder into your very obvious snare, you big baby.

  5. maybe it's because i've only heard it in these playthrough videos and only for the past, what, 3 episodes, but every time you point out the "Lahii" from the song it takes me a few seconds to go "…what? why the scoff? Lah-OH, the song intro!"

    I don't know, it just fades out for me. It might be because your voice is the main focus of my attention, while yours is directed towards the game, or it could be again that I haven't been exposed that long to it. Still, I find it funny how fast I forget about it

  6. I thought you were exaggerating when you first described the music, thinking "I don't know, I kinda like it." But, this episode, I feel like we got the full La-Hee experience. And now, yeah, I'm on board. It gets real silly.

  7. – now i know La-Hee
    – is ok Minfilia, you will understand when you're older
    – i guess in The Firsts bees & wasps are interchangeable
    – Master Motoya can clearly see these painted Murals, as blind Miqotes are known to do
    – ah yes, the guy defending the Sin Eaters is totally going to respect your Cult of the Dark, yup
    – also they're setting Vaulthry to be the Bait & Switch Boss so hard

  8. 7:13 Like war?
    19:40 Well, that answered a question that was bubbling in my head: No, she can't se ghosts as "congealed aether". That, or Ardbert was already gone.
    20:34 Nah, Durmin impresses me more as the "Indiana Jones" type.
    21:35 I wonder what her opinion of Thancred would be if Urianger shot straight. I mean, she's old enough to know, at this point.
    21:49 Ah, I see, Durmin doesn't like addressing sex. Fair enough, I guess?
    24:56 <furious nodding>
    29:48 Oh, Exarch is doing the clever insults! Will Vauthry process it faster this time?
    31:08 Double voice? That's new.
    32:28 I love how every successful defiant act sends him into a tantrum.
    34:31 This is all very absurd.

  9. I dream of an ARR remake as one of the late patches. Zones unified. Quests rebuilt, jank removed. Balance and gameplay at all levels, not just what's left after they remove things to put them back in at high levels. Tell me a unified shroud wouldn't look awesome?

  10. 5:16 I think I've got a bit different of an opinion here. For everything else we encounter in the Blind Forest, there's not really any sign of a Gridania-style elemental. They may have not even existed; the first mention I remember of them is a response to something Amdapor did in the Fifth Era- the same time period as the Weeping City of Mhach and poor cursed Nym, for context.

    I'm pretty sure the Shroud is SUPPOSED to be dense and claustrophobic: it's a reminder that You Do Not Belong Here. Even Gridania itself is only there so long as the elementals allow it, after all.


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