Anabaseios Ninth/Tenth Circle Theme "One Amongst the Weary" – FFXIV OST

“So for the next battle, the players will fight Pandæmonium”
“You mean *in* Pandæmonium, right?”
“Did I stutter?”

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50 thoughts on “Anabaseios Ninth/Tenth Circle Theme "One Amongst the Weary" – FFXIV OST”

  1. the first thirty seconds are so good! i got lucky with obtaining the orchestrion roll upon my first clear; one of my favourite raid themes by far.

  2. Okay, I might be reaching here, but I THINK the xylophone countermelody here is based on the High Seraph theme's flute melody. If that actually is what I'm hearing, WOW.

  3. I just realized that the Magus and Martialist souls are likely Shatotto and Ivon Coerlfist, the Black Mage and Monk predecessors
    Beast is def supposed to be Behemoth lol

  4. this particular fight has incredible parallels to Dante’s inferno. Kokytos is seems to be a rename of Cocytus, which is depicted as a frozen lake in a DI, which is also the arena of P9. Which ALSO is the 9th circle of the Underworld in DI.
    And if you think about the themes of Panda, the whole series of mistrust and betrayal, treachery, it really aligns with DI’s portrayal of the lowest circle of Hell.

    Just so many references I couldn’t help but fanboy a little

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one nutting over the music this tier. They went absolutely insane with this joint y'all. BRAVO. Now to be burnt out on it when savage drops sksksksks. XD


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