“So for the next battle, the players will fight Pandæmonium”
“You mean *in* Pandæmonium, right?”
“Did I stutter?”
Full Endwalker playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9JKBGWkVcPFI-hRz22xJPrwj82FciFeZ
Buy the official soundtrack: https://www.jp.square-enix.com/music/sem/page/ff14/ENDWALKER_ost/en/
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P9 was the hardest fight of the four fights by far, I suspect this is going to be something else in savage xD
Lol when I saw fire and ice mechanics my first thought was stop moving fire and keep moving ice
10th circle was a pain
So we fought Pandæmonium, and he's very much a mix between King Behemoth, Omega, and Sigma from Mega Man X.
Love that it is the hic svnt leones music this tier on techno its so good :))))
and here i was thinking i wouldnt like a track as much as White Stone Black
Anyone knows what genre is this? i need more.
Mob farm type beat
They really needed to step it up with this tier after the bangers from 5-8 and they absolutely crushed it. Happy to be alive to experience this
the first thirty seconds are so good! i got lucky with obtaining the orchestrion roll upon my first clear; one of my favourite raid themes by far.
Okay, I might be reaching here, but I THINK the xylophone countermelody here is based on the High Seraph theme's flute melody. If that actually is what I'm hearing, WOW.
Honestly, sound track for this tier is a big miss for me. Second one was better.
Awesome and really unique. Seriously this is so drastically different from the previous ones.
soken casually releasing a firaga mixtape
im in love with this song
Somehow the fact that Pandæmonium talks is my least favorite part of it
I just realized that the Magus and Martialist souls are likely Shatotto and Ivon Coerlfist, the Black Mage and Monk predecessors
Beast is def supposed to be Behemoth lol
I was honestly afraid they'd be unable to one-up themselves after the Abyssos bangers, but I'm happy to see I was worrying for nothing.
I guess this was arranged by Soken himself. Really dig this.
the 0:55 build-up into a 1:08 drop is PURE ear-gasm! And oh-so-familiar original Pandaemonium leitmotiff after that…
Once again, they delivered absolute banger of a sountrack!
Fucking Sick (TM)
This song reminds me of the ghost in the shell stand alone complex soundtrack
my god this is awful, the vocals just ruin everything in this game
This boss goes from high kind of lothric to Vordt of the Boreal valley haha love the Dark souls 3 inspo
now this matches the energy of Scream really well.
It’s a cool detail how the Ultima raidwide that Pandaemonium casts in P10 looks like the FF2 version of the spell in the Wonderswan remake.
Beautiful music, shame the combat and class design is what it is.
Mad Rat Pandaemonium
Ayyo who they have in the studio?
Not sure if anyone noticed, but I’m pretty sure the mage is Ryne’s VA 🙂
Banger after banger after banger
no way, minos prime in ffxiv???
Soken out here eating Capn' Crunch Oops! All Bangers. He can't keep getting away with this!
Holy shit this music is god tier
Brings new meaning and challenge to the word 'House-sitting'.
I just wish the backround vocals at 1:08 were just a tiny bit louder in this version. What a banger tho
The Shadowbringers melody hiding in this from 0:49– 0:54 is prolly my favorite part… Sokken Wild bro.
Oh hell yeah! I love this so much! I'm gonna do a dance to this song 😀
Long lost Drakengard 3 song
Best OST from this tier!🎉
Imagine getting a housekeeping call for this.
It's hard not to hear the same voice pack Neuro Sama uses and imagine neuro singing and nodding her head to the beat.
this particular fight has incredible parallels to Dante’s inferno. Kokytos is seems to be a rename of Cocytus, which is depicted as a frozen lake in a DI, which is also the arena of P9. Which ALSO is the 9th circle of the Underworld in DI.
And if you think about the themes of Panda, the whole series of mistrust and betrayal, treachery, it really aligns with DI’s portrayal of the lowest circle of Hell.
Just so many references I couldn’t help but fanboy a little
I really hope they do more dark content like this in the future . Pandemonium had the perfect blend of dark with good music
I'm glad I'm not the only one nutting over the music this tier. They went absolutely insane with this joint y'all. BRAVO. Now to be burnt out on it when savage drops sksksksks. XD
One of the best boss themes I’ve ever heard
Heavy friday night funking vibes idk why
Eat, Fight…Eat, Fight…. Sounds like something Goku would do.
0:20 Minecraft XP
My absolute favorite theme of all time! It's just SO good.