Final Fantasy 14 arrives on PlayStation 5 on April 13 with the launch of an open beta.
Watch the trailer for a look at what to expect with the PS5 version including 4K resolution support, and more.
Final Fantasy 14 arrives on PlayStation 5 on April 13 with the launch of an open beta.
Watch the trailer for a look at what to expect with the PS5 version including 4K resolution support, and more.
Kinda ticked if they don’t give the pc version the same treatment.
Lineage II. This is you???
cool for the 20 ppl that own a ps5
FFXI 4 life
Ayooo I just got into this game less gooo!!!
i hope this means pc will get a graphical update too
What is the song used in the trailer called?
I can already see the microtransactions….so….so many microtransactions
Still not available for region 3 for playstation user? So sad..
Best mmo ever!!! Just need to be able to get a ps5 now.
Lol, imagine putting a trailer up when no one has a ps5 yet
I thought PS5 is only an internet's myth?
I honestly forgot about this game. Its rad its still going
So where tf is the xbox version that was promised?
Best MMO on the market right now.
Yeah this is garbage. Ps5 had worst sales ever . I would have played if you brought it to Xbox. Was already about to install in pc but now that its ps5 and not Xbox you get nothing.
Been playing since PS3, took breaks of months and years but i keep coming back, and it feels like coming home. I LOVE this game <3
can I have Australia server please~~~
Still no xbox 🙁
60fps???!!! Wooo
Is that garen on the thumbnail
The menus and systems are beyond frustrating. Hard pass.
What is the point of having 4K resolution when many textures are 360p or even lower
I thought this was dead…
Xbox version when?
and here I am waiting for any dragons dogma franchise.
Was that supposed to be Leviathan? Or just some Leviatan shaped Special move ?
That graphic update is quite underwhelming…
I am very happy for winning a Ps5 the only thing I had to do is register and I was already competing …. look for it on twitter @Shan44605845 best of luck to everyone
Plz come to Xbox so I can play this finally
Please let south east asia region play this game too!!!