FFXIV: Levequest Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will give you some advice on how to level up, and we’ll specifically go over Levequests. I will run through 4 Leve’s and provide commentary for each one. At the end of the video, I’ll talk about beckon quests and how they suck.

0:00 Intro
0:19 Leveling advice
1:19 Levequest Introduction
1:40 Google your Levequest location
3:00 Accepting Levequests
4:39 Starting a Levequest
5:27 Finishing a Levequest
5:58 Item Levequests
9:36 Soothe/Pacify Levequests
10:38 Little bit of trouble
12:42 Kill Levequests
14:12 Finishing Leve quests / Turn-ins
15:25 Beckon / Escort Leves
16:57 Outro


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