our thoughts on the issues surrounding the “Mentor status” and the novice network and how people view the mentor crown in Final Fantasy xiv
check me out on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/heartcore55
Kaiser vulf: https://www.twitch.tv/kaiser_vulf
like teacher assistant are a university. they ask for your help to day before an exam. they they complain about not getting a passing grade, because they did not do their homework and research before hand. or watch most of the youtube view on ff14. painful for being a big sister or big brother. what people do not understand, ff14 is a game to be enjoy, not to race through. it is not a bus stop, it a lifestyle. thank you for your mentorship.
As a mentor wearing the crown, I learned very quickly that I was damned if I do and damned if I don't. This is largely why I've stuck with my default mindset of "F 'em.". Talking in chat is risky as is due to the botched reporting system and/or ToS. With that in mind, I only VERY rarely speak up only if/when someone comes to me first. Depending on their attitude during the initial exchange, I make a judgement call on whether or not to continue the dialogue or leaving them to their doom whilst accepting the penalty.
The FFXIV community is both one of the best and worst aspects of the game sometimes. Sadly, an alarming amount of players (NA specific unfortunately) simply don't respect the time/effort of others. At the absolute worst, you have a group of people that make it very apparent that they dislike mentors (yet are still entitled to their teachings/carries) before some runs even begin. I won't mince words here – the NA FFXIV community is kind of pathetic and/or depressing. Luckily, for "toxic" people like me, every other aspect of the game is great enough to outweigh/overshadow the cancer.
i like grouping on mentors when leveling some of my alt to get additional exp, lol, i'll run them dry until they give up lol
I would like to aim for the mount and technically I think I did met all "mechanic" requirements (maybe not the collectables for DoHL). But my knowdledge of the Game is so bad, that I would not be much of a help if a sprout actually would ask questions. So I didn't dare to get the crown so far. ^^
It is kind of funny before i was a mentor my advice would be taken in and praised then after i became a mentor my advice is taken like an insult that people would rather die then quietly adjust to my advice but not say thank you and idm its just very funny the treatment change haha
I was a mentor during SB. Rarely got asked any questions.
Was not able to do mentor roulette becase i did not yet clear a few extreme bosses.
Mentors are always mean, prove me wrong.