Yuki and Yuna, known as Duo Leveling, play critically acclaimed game #ffxiv !
≪Support Atlas Guild≫
Donations: https://streamelements.com/duoleveling-50/tip
(All donations are final and non-refundable!)
Discord: https://discord.gg/buKqs6Enq2
Throne: https://jointhrone.com/u/duoleveling
Memberships: https://www.youtube.com/c/DuoLevelingCH/join
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/duoleveling
General: #duolvl
Live: #duolvllive
Art: #duolvlart
Fan Name: Guildmates
Twitter: https://twitter.com/duoleveling
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/duoleveling
≪Guild Rules≫
– Please be kind and respectful to all users. The guild does not tolerate hate speech, sexual harassment, and bullying.
– Please keep chat relative to the stream and Duo Leveling
– Do not mention other Vtubers or advertise others unless we speak about them on stream.
– Do not share personal information about yourself or others.
– Please no personal questions!
– Please no back seating unless we ask for assistance.
– Please don’t ask to join the game unless we ask for volunteers.
– If someone else breaks the rules: ignore them, block them, and report them!
– Feel free to clip (as long as you include the link to the original stream in the video!)
– Let’s complete many quests and adventures together, guildies! 🙂
Model: Yuki Astrea (design), 7blade & DH @ Mozaic Heaven Atelier (modeling/rigging)
Layout: Xun @ Frayref / WonderPenguin @ Frayref
BGs: RialynKV
Sprites: ChartreuseProxy / Oceans_Dream
Intro PV: Yvvone @ Frayref
BGM: Elliot Hsu (Lost Aria Soundtrack) / LucaProject /Ziyan Su
Illustrations: ARMADA_NIWAKA
Emotes: xxbyun_b
Icons: @MsRandom1401
SFX/BG music: otologic
THank you for tonight's stream YuYu :3
Thank you for tonight’s stream.
Thank you for the fun stream YuYu ☺️
YuYu-chan thanks for the stream, that was fantastic~! ❤️💙
100% want to see more FF14
Yes!! Love the ffxiv content, would love seeing more 💕 can’t wait to hear ur reactions to the storyyyy
The Guild Takes On Eorzea Timestamps!!!
Adventure Start!!
The Plan!!
Their Experience With 14.
Into The Game!!…QUEUE!!!
The Twins!
Into Uldah!
(17:55) – (20:00)
To The Guild!
Level Up!! Also Guild Stuff!
The First Meeting.
(33:40) – (36:10)
Smol Yuna.
Photo Time!
Guild Master Allowances.
Dayum Timestamp.
Sudden Idol Show!
"Free" Money.
The HUD!
The Guild Leader!
Seiso Gone.
MSQ Date!
The Vor Shimmy.
Combat Time!!!
Plot! Happening!
Yuna And The Yuki~~
Yuna Pls!
Unlock Quest Go!
Too Fast!
Solo Instance Time!
Victory!! Plot Time!!
Thicc + Ending!!
(2:05:00) – (2:11:15)
The Main Story Quests are located at the top left of your screen (shoe prints) you should be able to click on it, it tells you where the Quest location is..
The Class / Job Quests should always be at your own guild for unlocking your abilities..
The Side Quests are optional
Hope it helps glad you’re fun with ffxiv you can have all Jobs on 1 character DoL and DoH too pretty much gathering and crafting.. I can't wait for your reactions to FFXVI i'm so happy you both got it i've been having fun completely immersed into it stayed off youtube for a couple days..