Final Fantasy XIV Job Tier List! …Based on Fun!

I’ve finally leveled up all my jobs! …To 70! And It was so much fun, I think I’ll be more than happy to level them up to 80 and then 90 once Endwalker gets here! So I just thought I’d drop in and share my thoughts on how much fun I had leveling up each job. Feel free to let me know what jobs you enjoy playing in FFXIV in the comments!

I’m Kephas, a legally blind guy who happens to love video games. And I enjoy sharing my gaming experiences with anyone willing to watch. So thanks for watching and supporting me by liking, sharing, and commenting!

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19 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Job Tier List! …Based on Fun!”

  1. Nice video, but I advise you to maybe do another when you'll have everything max leveled up, a lot of jobs can change drastically at level 80 (Warrior, to only mention one, that becomes a beast with an even stronger burst and opener, and as well as a lot of HP regen) . Well, rather 90,considering Endwalker arriving in two weeks, but you get the idea. XD

  2. Blu mage can play with other jobs, but only in pre made parties.
    There is also a whole challenge about defeating savage level raids with a party of all blu mages. I've done a couple and it's fun

  3. I think Warrior is more fun than Paladin because of how much self sustain it has, as an 80 Warrior I can pull entire rooms and heal myself up to full from 30% pretty easily, that kind of control makes it fun for me.

  4. Hello.
    I came across your channel which I really liked. New could you give me a list of the games you get to play? I too am blind and that would interest me a lot.
    Sorry for any mistakes that I may have had I do not speak English I use in a translator.
    Thanks in advance

  5. Black mage has a proper rotation. And youre stuck standing there to cast while youre in the rotation. Once you move you gotta watch for enochian and umbral fire to not lose it. Black mage is punishing if you lose your rotation. Your dps will go to the shitters unlike SMN. People play SMN becos you can be absolute brain dead and still be top dps in raids. And then switch to SCH for instant queues to lvl their SMN. Now that endwalker is out, Black mage Enochian is now a trait and the umbral fire window is 30 seconds, it should help black mage rotation anxiety a little. You can still be punished if you dont follow proper rotation but losing umbral fire isn't as big of a deal as black mage has 30 seconds to stay in umbral and enochian is a trait that you cant lose the buff since it comes with your umbrals. Also black mage gets two charges of triple cast. It should help with losing rotation or dodging mechanics.

  6. Loved the video! Hope you put out another one soon with how you feel about the new endwalker jobs + the updates to some of the other jobs. For example, summoner had a bit of rework and might be a different experience.

  7. My favorite jobs always shift, the only ones I always like are BLM and SCH, love those but I like almost all the jobs right now. The only ones I don't find as fun right now are MCH and DRK just because MCH feels like a lot of work for very low damage and DNC and BRD(The broken shields with SCH timing Nature's Minne with their Protraction and Adlo is life) feel like you help the party a lot, and DRK is the only tank that doesn't feel like it can take care of itself in a pinch for me, but even then, I play both and they're still fun.

  8. the explanations about how, why and most importantly when all the jobs are fun vs. not fun was really informative. i agree about the black knight.

    so far the most fun i've had with black knight is while using the instant cast. watching your tank blob up the enemy and then blasting them with two big AOEs at the same time is a great feeling.
    second most fun has been the sleep spell which on paper let's you divide and conquer, isolating targets, interrupting and managing aggro. feels amazing when you get a good sleep cast but it's so situational it almost never happens. especially not in dungeons where you can't stop your allies from waking up a pack of enemies you just put to sleep.

    my favorite class in wow was priest for that exact reason. you could mix in some instant casting among your long channels. although the black knight seems to have far less variety in that regard.

    which is not to say that the black knight isn't fun. it is. even though it's gimmick is a little too simple and easy to manage. it still adds something to do so you're not just watching bars fill up. the difference between fire 1 and ice 1 is marginal in terms of fun to say the least.

  9. Nice to hear honest opinions of every job, this is a very good tier list done in a right way! I would love to have timestamps on the video to find out the jobs you are looking for faster too!


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