Bad Tier List Made by Journalists GONE WRONG | Xeno Reacts to Magic and Ranged DPS Tierlist (FFXIV)

In this video Xeno reads and reacts to the Magic Casters and Ranged Jobs DPS Tierlist made by Fanbyte for Final Fantasy 14. Xeno does not understand the methodology behind the rankings and gets more and more confused as he keeps reading. What are the journalists thinking??

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38 thoughts on “Bad Tier List Made by Journalists GONE WRONG | Xeno Reacts to Magic and Ranged DPS Tierlist (FFXIV)”

  1. To answer that question of "Ever been in the party with that one RDM?" Yes I know him, He's me. ANd it makes me kek that they go over SUM changes but do nothing for the other jobs. RDM being one of them with their damage buff that is fully getting reworked!

  2. My god, how can you create a tierlist with jobs whose potency are not yet sure and without having done a certain variety of boss fights?
    in addition to being a rather stupid choice,

    they weren't even screwed to see that currently the red mage has the best kit for the raid progression of the 3 casters, which will necessarily rank him at the top of the leaderboard.

    How it possible to rank red mage B when he have a big burst in the opener with the new manafication, and powerfull aoes in his actual rotation kit.
    – embolden buff everyone now.
    -he always has the possibility of chaining the ressurection.
    -it has a excellent mobility, even better than before, not so far behind the summoner.
    -it can still heal, even if no one really uses it.
    -it has 2 raid mitigation spells, role action, and the new barrier that reduces damage and increases healing.

    if the damage of the red mage remains as consistent as in the tooltips of the media tour, on the contrary he will probably be the best caster.

  3. 0:30 I don't think the author knows what esoteric means…either that or they just wanna unga bunga smash everything and didn't bother to learn casters. Anyone that's played an mmo for more than a few sessions could see the difference between dps casters after 5 minutes of playing each. Maybe they should've just watched a youtube video comparing them and stole that for their article.

  4. Rezzed about 5 persons in under 20 seconds on a savage run and turned that shitstorm into a clear to somehow get only a B+, i feel attacked on a level i didn't think possible

  5. "Bard is, in essence, the poster child for utility" is the most hilarious shit ever. Half of the complaints throughout Shadowbringers were about how much its utility was nerfed. I suppose they're making a bigger deal out of passive song buffs but even then, Bard offers less overall support than Dancer in terms of raw numbers.

  6. as a new player i pick black mage i did not have any clue if it's good or not but when you dont know the fight like me this is hard as fuck to maintain all your shit and moving. and all the dance are a nightmare.

  7. When I was leveling RDM, I got Sophia in a roulette, and EVERYONE but me and one tank fell off in the very start… We got to about 1% and wiped, and started over with the same party. I SECOND time literally everyone but me and this same tank fell off right at the beginning, but this time we beat her.

  8. I main BLM and SMN, and even though I don't play RDM as much as the other two even I know how good it is. Never surprises me that journos don't know what they're talking about

  9. This person knows jackshit about black mage. You loose astral fire or umbral ice along with enochian, your dps becomes trash. You fail positioning, your dps plummets. You have the easiest rotation in the game, but then you have to move… bb dps. Did you place your ley lines and then the boss puts a permanent aoe on it? Wanna see that dps doing the opposite of up? You try to level up until 50, you often come to the realization that it's actually one of the worst dps and only it starts to get good at 60. Triple and swiftcast along with thunder 3, fire 3 procs and xenoglossy exist to counter the issue of having to move. I think black mage is the best class in the game but also among the most punishing if not the most. Black Mage mains don't have it easy, they have to overcome a plethra of obstacles to really adapt to the class. You don't want to just have bigass numbers, you wanna keep em coming as best as you can.

  10. MENTOR: Dogshit Tier
    RDM: Beginner Tier
    DNC: Retard Tier
    DRK: Floor-Tank Tier
    DRG: Floor Tier
    WHM: Beginner Tier
    MCH: Intermediate Tier
    GNB: Intermediate Tier
    SAM: Solo Tier
    AST: Scuffed WHM Tier
    BLM: Yoshida Tier
    NIN: Advanced Tier
    BRD: Support Tier
    PLD: Off-Tank Tier
    SMN: Scuffed Advanced+ Tier
    WAR: Asmogold Shit Tier
    MNK: Intermediate Tier
    SCH: Rework Tier


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