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I’m an Entertainer, gamer & Twitch Streamer. Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim, Rust, CS:GO, Guild Wars 2, PUBG, Apex Legends, Dead by Daylight, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us are amongst my favourites. I tend to enjoy many types of games.
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35 thoughts on “Sprout Plays Final Fantasy XIV – SHADOWBRINGERS – MY JOURNEY BEGINS!”

  1. I just began the post SHB patches, you're in for a ride. Looking forward to seeing how you react to the story. Though the title is misleading, you're not a sprout anymore haha

  2. Knew that "villains known as the warriors of light" would make him wonder if he was the bad guy, which to answer you without spoilers… yes to a degree. Remember that good and evil are matters of perspective unless you truly think the garleans view themselves as evil and us as good and that's why the people of the first view light as evil, Shadowbringers really does bring life to the saying "the road to hell is pathed with good intentions" (well technically it started with the warriors of darkness in heavensward)

  3. He didn't fuck up the ritual with you. I wonder why.

    Edit: don't think anyone is gonna try to go after the scion's bodies – a great potato is guarding them after all. and you seriously need to new game+ or rewatch 3.4 cutscenes. It's just painful now…

  4. It's SO great watching you play this. It's been two years and I've forgotten how much Feelsbringers hits.

    Looking forward to reliving it with your playthrough😃

  5. "i dont know how long its been" the old guy at the VERY beginning of the expac told you, "and when prey tell did we last have a dark night, OVER A HUNDRED BLEEDING YEARS" come on man, this expac gives subtle hints to the story

  6. Have fun with Shadowbringers, it's amazing! As for the HW and SB raids, they aren't necessary for ShB indeed – BUT I highly recommend doing them, they are a LOT of fun (the last one in particular respectively)! Plus, at the end of ShB, you can unlock an optional area where you can then get your lvl 80 relic weapon(s) (which aren't solely for glamour but are actually quite good stat-wise/you get to distribute your own stats). However, to unlock this, you need to have completed the SB/Ivalice raids… 😉 I promise the SB raids in particular are great for story and straight up fun haha


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