Special thanks to JoCat for joining me! And also for that amazing intro.
JoCat’s YouTube! ► https://www.youtube.com/jocat
JoCat’s Twitch! ► https://www.twitch.tv/jocat
_______▼ PATREON ▼_______
Support us on Patreon! ► http://patreon.com/playframe
_______▼ PLAYLIST ▼_______
Hildibrand playlist! ►
FULL SERIES playlist! ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvFQJa1XAXzzXrfl_cbsGvEl4AbTt5SMG
________▼ CHAPTERS ▼_________
0:00 – Intro
2:12 – QUEST: “The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen”
24:40 – QUEST: “Back in the Saddle”
29:33 – QUEST: “After Her Own Heart”
39:08 – QUEST: “The Immaculate Deception”
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________▼ TWITCH ▼_________
We’re also streaming on Twitch! ► https://twitch.tv/playframeplus
________▼ LINKS ▼_________
Check out the PlayFrame Store! ► https://store.dftba.com/collections/playframe
Dan’s Twitter (@DanFloydPlus) ► https://twitter.com/DanFloydPlus
Carrie’s Twitter (@CarrieFloyd) ► https://twitter.com/CarrieFloyd
PlayFrame Twitter (@PlayFramePlus) ► https://twitter.com/PlayFramePlus
To hear Dan talk MUCH more about game animation, check out New Frame Plus! ► http://www.youtube.com/c/newframeplus
_______▼ CREDITS ▼________
Edited by Carrie Floyd
Thumbnail art by Jax Pool
________▼ MUSIC ▼_________
♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon
Thumbnail character art by Jax Pool!
#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Hildibrand
26:08 Dior, Dulce, Chanel, Worth, Redfern, Alcega, …
Has anyone ever wondered what would happen if Final Fantasy writers wrote for the Looney Tunes? No? You got your answer anyway. And it is glorious!
I think this might be my new favorite part of this series. Hildibrand is like an even goofier version of Major Alex Louis Armstrong, and I'm so down with that. Plus the combined energy of Dan and JoCat is always a pleasure. Please, let this be a recurring thing.
The biggest mysteries as a fan are: why was Hildy burried in the lychyard? And are Nashu and Hildy together together?
Ah, Hildibrand, Hildibrand, Hildibrand. Despite everything, you always somehow come around to the actual solution. Somehow. Despite yourself.
9:30 There are some "Go do this specific FATE" quests in the ARR Tribal quests, and if memory serves in the ARR artifact quests.
They stopped doing that. For which I am glad. That was an annoying thing to have to wait around for it to happen.
Ever since you started the FFXIV playthrough I've been hoping you'd cover the Hildibrand content! Thank you so much for doing it! 😀
Yessss, I've been hoping you'd play through this!
Cursed crossover idea.
Hildibrand winds up in Azeroth, and winds up becoming the new Lich King.
Between Jo showing up here, and being one of those trying to break Red and Blue on OSP Halloween Macbibble goof, I can't help but wonder if there a possibility of OSP and Playframe ever crossing over. I suspect it'd be delightful.
Ph lord they're doing it they're doing the Hildy quests 😀
Oh no. Oh no…
This will be fun.
If "It starts in Ul'Dah, like every disaster does" doesn't make it into a 2022 highlight reel I'll be very disappointed.
YESSSS I WAS HOPING THIS WOULD HAPPEN!! Sit tight my friends, this train is a RIDE
1:40 okay. Challenge accepted. Not one laugh. If I lose, I have to rewatch the elden ring playlist. Once per laugh.
Final Fantasy V fans rechoice.
Oh, it's the real main character of the story! It's only taken a few expansions to get here.
You know how sometimes, you just want to be part of something, but not be the one pushing stuff forward? Yeah, that's the Hildibrand storyline. Your character isn't the Main Character of this story, but that's okay: You're just here to watch as other, (less?) capable characters have their epic stories!
A nice vacation from all that tough and stressful deity hunting. Just make sure to bring some popcorn with you, and share it with the class.
I love everything about this! From the inspired masterpiece theatre style intro, to Jo Cat's tenacious Hildebrand rendition. Also the flower in Hildibrand's freshly raised hair deserves a shout out, just so good.
What a surprisingly wonderful start to the week.
If remember correctly the reward for the quest at 24:24 is a Phoenix Down. I take it as a hint of how Hildy survived Dalamud…
You know, I forget just how serious this questline actually starts.
…and then you meet the zombies…
Things I know about 1.0 Hildy, he unlocked the use of inn rooms, he got blown up in a pumpkin patch weirdling a replica of Nael's halberd, Urianger was there.
Finally Durmin will meet the Gentleman of Light
The Fashion Statement you are looking for is Grave Chic
Durmin and Victor! My excitement is so palpable that my squee can probably be heard over the internet 😍
Jocat giving a southern drawl to what is obviously supposed to be a Cockney ruffian…
This is so, so, so fantastic, what an amazing idea this is
I love this in this format. Playing on my own I found the Hildibrand quests ok, but when I logged on there was other stuff I'd rather do.
However, for this format when I'm popping on to watch stuff, I can just kick back and watch stuff, being reminded of the wonderful framing, timing, and physical humor that's in the quests.
This is unhinged in the best possible way, thank you two so much for sharing this fun side story with us!