Hey Clanmates! Today we’ll be creating a whole new character in Final Fantasy XIV so that I can take you on the long journey with me! As the title and thumbnail suggest, we’re going to try and make Sucrose in this game!
Feel free to chat away! No need to be shy, I promise! By all means, use it to react to things, ask questions or just talk to other stream watchers and I about anything! (Keep it clean, of course). The chat is what keeps the stream going so I appreciate mostly any sort of chat!
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1) Please don’t spam in the chat. I use it to interact with viewers and I can’t do so if the same message/emotes are just spammed. Will have to put you in timeout if this happens.
2) Please don’t be grotesque for the sake of attention. I’ll give it to you in the form of being hidden from the stream.
3) Please don’t backseat game or tell me what to do. I’m playing the game at my own pace, or how I’d like to play it. I’m all for helpful advice during games, though.
4) No slurs of any kind.
5) Have fun! I know it’s a cliché rule, but that’s what these streams are for. I love interacting with chat, and I enjoy seeing you all talk amongst each other.
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Lil’ Moving Avatar Credits:
Lil’ TC: @AmphyPop – https://picrew.me/image_maker/338224
Cat TC: @felidaze – https://picrew.me/image_maker/254030
Yourna & Unnamed OCs: @anrm_tenia – https://picrew.me/image_maker/407340
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