Pandaemonium ABYSSOS – BLIND REACTION! – Best FFXIV Raid Series EVER? – Final Fantasy 14 6.2 Cobrak

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17 thoughts on “Pandaemonium ABYSSOS – BLIND REACTION! – Best FFXIV Raid Series EVER? – Final Fantasy 14 6.2 Cobrak”

  1. The entire team stepped up with this tier. From the music, to the story, to the encounters, Pandemonium may very well end up being one of my favourite raids. It's wild.

    Also totally watching this while being sequestered on my Sanctuary. It's so chill and a great place to just do things when you're watching videos.

  2. YoshiP wasn't kidding about this raids story being mysterious. Previous raids was like one or two pieces of the puzzle missing, but you generally have the idea of what is going on. With Pandeamonium, you perception of it change as the story developed.

  3. I loved this story… Lahabrea was pretty much everything I thought him to be ^.^ Well, then, lets go wait another four or eight months XD

    As for the fights, I constantly died at Carbuncle (Summoners out there, never trust them little buggers!), the second was super fun. Until the tank died and I had aggro and died to the tank buster – after raising the tank and healer XD Red Mages, go!! XD


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