Final Fantasy XIV: Fireworks, Magicked Prisms and other novelty items. Hi-res update

About two years ago I made a short video showcasing all the fireworks, magicked prisms and other such novelty items, I could get my hands on. And almost immediately afterwards new items were introduced so I started working on an update.

I was just goanna capture the new items and edit them together with the old video. But more items came and then I got a new computer. The original was captured at 1280 x 800 and rarely could make 60fps, often much less and not at all consistent. However with the new computer I could get a very consistent 60 fps at 1080p.

And so began the process of slowly recapturing everything on the PC in between while working on various other videos. So that is what you have here. All except for the Golden Sparkler, which I only have on my Mac Trial account so I reused that segment.

So this new video is as complete as I can make it. If you know of anything I missed let me know. I think there are a few other items related to the Ceremony of Eternal Bonding. I would need to get my digital hands on those in order to add them.

If you look at that old video you might see that it does display at 1080p and plays at a consistent 60fps. So what gives? The short answer is that is due to how I rendered the final video.

There is a little oddity with how YouTube handles video resolutions. (or at least did, I have not checked lower resolution videos in a while). As I said I captured the video in 1280×800 but if you upload that, YouTube will only display it at 720p and that means I’m losing resolution on what is kind of low res by todays standards. On YT there is nothing between 720p and 1080p and it will not show anything at 1080p (the vertical resolution) unless it has close to the standard horizontal resolution of 1080p: 1920. Add to that the fact that my Mac use a 16:10 aspect ratio so at a horizontal dimension of 1920 you have a vertical dimension of much more than 1080. So to get it to display at 1080p you have to upload a video of 1920 x 1200. It will maintain the aspect ratio shrinking it down to 1728 x 1080. At least that was how it was working 2 years ago. So that video was rendered at a higher resolution and frame rate. And not with some fancy AI interpolation either.

Now that I use footage from my PC running a consistent 60 fps at 1080p I don’t have to worry about that anymore.

Thank You

0:00 Introduction
1:35 MIxing with Emotes

2:30 Magicked Prism (Advent Cakes)

Valentione’s Day
2:35 Prismatic Heart (Left)
2:46 Prismatic Heart (Right)

Little Ladies’ Day
2:58 Peach Confetti
3:02 Cherry Confetti
3:06 Magicked Prism (Daisies)

3:12 Magicked Prism (Hatching-tide)

Make it Rain Campaign
3:17 Golden Sparkler

Moonfire Faire
3:21 Serpent Tracer
3:25 Storm Tracer
3:29 Flame Tracer
3:34 Bombbard Bloom
3:38 Pinwheel
3:49 Gridanian Sparkler
4:02 Lominson Sparkler
4:16 Ul’dahn Sparkler

The Rising
4:30 Realm Reborn Red
4:52 Heavenscraker
5:04 Meteor Shower
5:26 Magicked Prism (Meteor Survivor)
5:37 Magicked Prism (Flowers)
5:43 Nymeia Pottpourri

All Saints’ Wake
5:50 Magicked Prism (Pumpkin)

Starlight Celebration
6:03 Magicked Prism (Sunshine)
6:10 Magicked Prism (Stardust)
6:14 Magicked Prism (Numeral 5)
6:18 Magicked Prism (Numeral 4)
6:21 Magicked Prism (Numeral 3)
6:24 Magicked Prism (Numeral 2)
6:27 Magicked Prism (Numeral 1)
6:31 Magicked Prism (Numeral 0)

Moogle Treasure Trove
6:34 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery)

Ceremony of Eternal Bonding.
6:47 Magicked Prism (Bubbles)
6:53 Magicked Prism (Hearts)

Ishgardian Restoration
7:01 Magicked Prism (Ishgard)
7:14 Magicked Prism (Temple Knights)
7:28 Magicked Prism (House Durendair)
7:41 Magicked Prism (House Dzemael)
7:54 Magicked Prism (House Fortemps)
8:08 Magicked Prism (House Haillenarte)

8:21 Icarus Wing
8:27 Regain Feather

Wondrous Tails
8:32 Magicked Prism (Mandragora)
8:45 Magicked Prism (Bomb Head)
8:59 Magicked Prism (Namazu)
9:12 Magicked Prism (Spriggan)
9:37 Magicked Prism (Korpokkur Noggin)

Island Sanctuary
9:50 Fieldcracker

Variant Dungeon: The Sil’dihn Subterrane
10:03 Deceiver’s Diamonds

Deep Dungeons
10:08 Magicked Prism (Twin Adder)
10:22 Magicked Prism (Maelstrom)
10:25 Magicked Prism (Immortal Flames)
10:48 Magicked Prism (The Raven)
11:02 Magicked Prism (Harbor Herald)
11:15 Magicked Prism (Mythril Eye)
11:29 Magicked Prism (Emerald Star)
11:42 Magicked Prism (Crimson Star)
11:56 Magicked Prism (Indigo Star)

Various Community Events.
12:09 Skyrocket
12:21 Magitek Torch (Yellow Lotus)
12:32 Magitek Torch (Red Lotus)
12:43 Magitek Torch (Blue Lotus)

12:55 Outro

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FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


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