Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Cinematic Trailer – FILMMAKER REACTION | REVIEW

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Cinematic Trailer – FILMMAKER REACTION | REVIEW

In this video I react to the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Cinematic Trailer and talk about a few filmmaking techniques used.

Watch the original video here –

00:00 Intro
01:09 About Legacy Entertainment
03:30 Reaction
06:32 Initial Thoughts
08:09 Filmmaking Techniques Used
11:16 Outro

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What I Used to Film this:
Tiffen Black Pro-Mist 1/4 Filter –
Sony 24mm G Master Lens –
Sony A7III –
Shure SM7B –
Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface –
Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter CL-1 Mic Activator –
Aputure LS C 120D –
Aputure AL-MC –
Nanlite Pavotube 6C –
Neewer 38inch Softbox –

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Legacy Entertainment™

#Final Fantasy XIV #Endwalker #Cinematic

SEO Jargon:
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker,Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker,Final Fantasy XIV animated short,Final Fantasy XIV cinematic,Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker cinematic,Final Fantasy XIV animated short cinematic trailer,Final Fantasy XIV cinematic trailer reaction,cinematic trailer,gaming,gamers,pc games,game commentary,gaming commentary,react,trailer reaction, cinematic reaction


33 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Cinematic Trailer – FILMMAKER REACTION | REVIEW”

  1. Am so excited for Endwalker, I can't wait!
    They will probably show one more teaser version and then the final full version not long before launch – out of interest I went back and looked at the pacing and changes to the Shadowbringers teasers, and while they are good, the final product blows them away, so hoping for that here too!
    The laser gun knife things they are calling 'Nouliths' and they will be usable by players on the 'Sage' Job they are adding, A healer believe it or not!
    As to who the two younger characters are…will let you find that out yourself!
    Hope you get a chance to play it soon, and appreciate the theory behind why shots are done the way they are.

  2. Kamina, Goku, and Naruto all wear some kind of orange/teal (or close) on their most iconic outfits! So glad the Endwalker trailer shows off the twins. They are both using Jobs that are more recent than the initial FF14 game had, so I think it's a great idea to show them off in a new trailer.

  3. Ahhh I am so excited you reacted to this! I originally came across your channel because of your Shadowbringers trailer reaction and I've been such a huge fan of your work ever since. So you reacting to the trailer for Endwalker has me squealing with happiness 😀

    The part with the "flying daggers" is actually how they introduced one of the new classes that will be released alongside the expansion – it's called Sage and it's a healer! My friends and I were absolutely losing our mind when that part happened during the FanFest reveal; that entire shot with the tail being cut off, the protagonist's "title job" (which cycles every expansion) being revealed, and the new job being revealed was just *chef's kiss*.

  4. Thank you so much for watching this analysing in fully :)! Been watching tons of your content and just love how much you take in and just provide so much information ❤️!

    Keep up the great work! And yes you have plenty of time to catch up, hope you enjoy your stay in eorzea.

  5. Masayoshi Soken is such an incredible composer. The music here is new and original to this trailer, but it somehow feels nostalgic and familiar in an undefinable way, as you yourself noticed when you first heard it. You can really feel his influences from 90s grunge/punk in this theme. I can't wait to hear the full final mix in the full final trailer. Shadowbringers theme in the first teaser trailer was super simple compared to what the final version was, so I am hyped for how this theme will evolve over the next few months.

  6. You definitely have enough time to play and catch up to the game, I finished the story myself in 1 month but man, I love your reactions for this cos I felt the same when I first watched them and then I played the game and got so attached with how they did it for the story. Really excited for Endwalker and your reaction for the final trailer!

  7. Please do Heavenward and stormbloods cinematics too please. I like ppl being exposed to ffxiv. And if you want to, check out the launch trailers for ARR, Heavenswards, Stormbloods, and Shadowbringers as well. They are story and gameplay trailers so it shows off ingame graphics. Like the cinematics, they have been getting better and better w/ each expansion.

  8. yeah, this was the first time the twins, Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur, have appeared in one of the trailers, the other Scions have appeared, particularly in the shadowbringers trailer, just not these two. and to clarify things, Alisaie is a Red Mage, and uses a rapier and focus as a weapon, and in this trailer Alphinaud is the new healer job, Sage which just looks cool and fun to play. now would be a good time to get into the game as it'll take you some time to power through the Main Story Quests. which a heads up the game is structured more like a normal jrpg and less like a traditional mmorpg. it starts slow since you are a regular run of the miil adventurer but by the time you get near the start of Heavensward the story picks up quite a bit and really doesn't let up much since by that time you are the Warrior of Light, and an in-universe badass that can talk to rulers of the city states, not a random slob off the street. it's one of the cool things about FFXIV. YOU are important, you are the warrior of light. other games like WoW have you basically fighting and stuff, but the story revolves around the important people, you're just one of the hordes of adventurers/soldiers that the actual important people use to accomplish their goals, in this game? nah, at least in-universe you have agency and actually have a say in what you do

  9. This is also only the first iteration of the trailer as well, in may on the 14th or 15th for the next digital fanfest there will be an expanded version with even more additions to the trailer. They usually hold out on revealing the full trailer until it gets closer to coming out. Just like how the final iteration of the shadowbringers one is quite a few minutes longer than this initial endwalker teaser, eventually, when more is revealed, it will most likely rival that trailer in length. More hype to come very soon.

  10. A few things on the trailer:
    1. New song every trailer, never the same one
    2. The characters you didn't know are Alphinaud and Alisaie and are main NPCs in the story
    4. Alphinaud is showcasing the new class that is coming out in the expansion

    Have you started playing yet? I hope so, would love to see a new fan in the game!

  11. me : watched all the trailers
    also me : realizing this is the twins’ first time being in a FF14 trailer even though they’ve been in the game from the very beginning 😳!

    once again amazing video! definitely earned my sub 🤍🤪

  12. This is something I don't think many but the game's more devout RP crowd have noticed, but that's an Empire flagship falling- same class as the one the big ass dragon killed in the 1.0 trailer. I'll not go more in depth due to spoilers, but the fact THAT guy was watching contentedly as the airship crashed is quite important- and the slow draw of the shot ending over the ruined city beneath really struck home.

    They got some serious production value.

  13. So the extended version got released a few days ago, if you wanna give the full 6-minute trailer a shot. You'll probably like it a lot, since it went so hard on the epicness that was already there.


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