Final Fantasy XIV – Dragonsong – Solo Guitar Cover + TAB | Harley Guio

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Dragonsong from Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward arranged for solo guitar by Harley Guio.

This is one of the most theatric themes from FFXIV, so it makes a lot of sense it was written by the JRPG king himself Nobuo Uematsu! I had a ton of fun figuring out how to translate it to the guitar.

I’ve been really enjoying FFXIV this year in my spare time, and am looking forward to Endwalker in the fall. You can expect to hear a ton more FFXIV music here on my channel, so make sure to subscribe!

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ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 新生エオルゼア

Compostion: Nobuo Uematsu
Arrangement: Harley Guio

#FFXIV #SquareEnix


30 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV – Dragonsong – Solo Guitar Cover + TAB | Harley Guio”

  1. Dude this gives me chills, I loved Heavensward so much and this was definitely in my top 2 songs of the expansion haha. This sounds really amazing on the guitar and you play with so much passion, very nice job!

  2. Nice man, this sounds really great! I never played enough of FFXIV to hear this in the game, but I'm feeling more and more tempted to jump back in. Have you submitted this to the Pixel Mixers contest for this month? The theme is MMOs so this would fit in perfectly. Awesome job!

  3. First of all: sorry that I did not comment earlier :/ my annoucement glock did not tell me that you upload this Incredible cover!

    It is one of my favorite from Heavensward! Thanks for this beautiful tack one! It has a ff13 feeling with this lonley atmosphere in the beginning
    I also like the more louder passager, has truly emotion and power behind it! 🙂 Great Job

  4. Love the voicings you're using for the second part of the arrangement. Makes for a great contrast to the classical portion of the tune. Also makes me want to remind Final Steps of Faith again. Kudos to you!


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