FINAL FANTASY XIV ENDWALKER Full Opening Trailer! (Chaos Live Reaction)

Guys, this is the pen-ultimate expansion trailer I’ve ever seen…
(Note: Yes, I’m fully aware I uploaded the Endwalker Trailer on accident lmao XD)

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38 thoughts on “FINAL FANTASY XIV ENDWALKER Full Opening Trailer! (Chaos Live Reaction)”

  1. So, one brown-pants moment: That creature, the one that attacks the Warrior of Light on the moon? I'm pretty sure that's the same as the First Beast from the Final Days of Amaurot… So, hey, just a creature that helped cause the fall of a civilization's worth of beings like the Un-sundered Ascians. No biggie, I'm sure!

  2. Hi chaos!! I love your EVERY reaction video and have been following your updates since maybe stormblood!! I really want to share your reaction videos with Chinese ff14 players and would like to know is that ok for me to post your works at chinese video website? I would link your youtube profile address!!

  3. And your reaction doesn't disappoint me once again my friend!

    I bet with my friend about Zenos' weapon and here he is, Scythe in his hand. Seems like the sword cannot quenched his bloodthirst anymore.

    And Y'sthtola's scene, she walks into the room like she owns the place, doesn't care even it's full of high ranking member of Scholar Council and Fourchenault, Alphinaud and Alisaie's father as the head of it. that is so damn hot lol.

  4. The funny thing about people being excited over Estinien being in this trailer, is that he was technically in the one for Heavensward too, we just couldn't tell because he had his helmet on.

  5. Aw yeah, THIS is the reaction I was looking for! Always love your reactions to the trailers over the years =] its easy to get hype with you

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that banner over the map and went, "Did that say Old Sharlyan? ARE WE GOING TO OLD SHARLYAN?!?! ARE WE FUCKING GOING THERE FINALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

    I've yet to see another Reactor realize that was Sharlyan before Y'shtola showed up in front of the Forum.


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