FINAL FANTASY XIV Dawntrail Syrcus Tower Amon savage =( bad pictomancer gameplay

I could finger paint and eat glue in elementary school. I’ll figure it out.


8 thoughts on “FINAL FANTASY XIV Dawntrail Syrcus Tower Amon savage =( bad pictomancer gameplay”

  1. My friend and I got queued for one last night and we did the same thing lol. I've never seen so much cheering and excitement after beating content before in a Duty Roulette, was really cool to see.

    I'll be taking my Title now Squeenix

  2. We did this too, I got frozen right before he died and the deep freeze didn't drop after he died. Me and 2 other people were frozen so long we got the "teleport to sealed room" option, teleported, still frozen, into the last boss and remained that way for another 30 seconds lol.

  3. I queued for this yesterday, we wiped twice, but it was fun to DPS race his curtain call regardless. We BARELY managed to do it too, the animation had started as the final blow was struck. Funnest run of the tower I've had.


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