Final Fantasy XIV Craziest Static Recruitment | Xeno Reacts

Xeno reacts to one of the weirdest recruitment post on the Final Fantasy 14 recruitment subreddit. What do you think, can a 12 man static be better than an 8 man one in any scenario or is that guy just high on hopium?

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#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen

Background music by Sirius Beat

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29 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Craziest Static Recruitment | Xeno Reacts”

  1. I know System Sempai, He always led raids in the BA discord it was hell. He got kicked out as leader because of his micromanagement.

    I once ran into him at the wolves' den, and he is a player who is adamantly against joining FCs he called them Gimmicks for the sheep. I asked him to join my FC if I beat him in a duel. He said I had no chance to beat him, so he agreed. I did infact beat him…he then blacklisted me and teleported away.

    The dude is a unique individual to say the least.

  2. kinda harsh to kick someone from a static if they have real life shit that gets in the way. Should be able to enjoy the game without making it the number 1 priority in your life.

  3. I dunno if this is the same guy. But to the defense of waffle house discord.
    I met a dude who main'd sch and he solo healed p2s which was my first clear.

    So I kinda hold him as a "he knows how to play the game" so some of these bullet points arnt outlandish they are cause of concern sure.

  4. While xeno makes valid points to this and system can be excessive at times this video is fucked up, this is damn near character assassination. These type of videos just cause toxic behavior for other
    Players and it's messed up.

  5. It's not a job but I expect you to treat it like a job or you're out my dude.

    "A rare chance for 2 chest to spawn"
    You mean in the final floor when it drops 1 extra chest that's just music.

    One of my friends played 11 religiously, the cature didn't take as long as the dude said. Took like 30m for the whole raid.

  6. Oof, I was okay with and actually appreciate someone trying to come up with a new concept and approach (not for me, but hey, you do you)… until the schedule demands. This is too demanding and seems like a good way to have raid drama. Hopefully they can step back and ease up to find a group they can play with, or maybe they'll find 12 people for this experiment, in which case best of luck to them.

  7. I like 3 points of his 12-man raid idea:
    – mathematically fair (4pax:1chest ratio)
    – participation points
    – flexible**

    I'm coming from a casual perspective: I've never been in a static because the strict schedule is intimidating. I'd rather not disappoint anyone so, 0 experience 🙁

    Now, I like the idea of 12man static with this in mind:
    – main slot: first come first serve, confirm next week's roster by weekend.
    – 2nd slot: 4 and fill. Sometimes because of life, you might have less than 4. If no chest, then double participation point for the book earners. Single point for the helpers who already cleared – can use alt classes/chars (at least min ilvl).
    – -4 point every time you win a loot (arbitrary number, can be adjusted). You can go negative during the early stages of the static, or simply negotiable.

    I played p1-2s on PF all the way, with 1-3 friends to prog together. We sometimes joined randoms on non-mains or simply for fun, so I can imagine that with the right static, you will have fun even if you "have to" run it twice. Friends and I often checked our schedules together, and the result of it was sometimes weekends, sometimes Tuesdays, sometimes I just solo PF loot run because of my bad schedule.

    **This guy's static setup is ironically rigid af "like a job", to quote Xeno. Adulting is hard as it is, why suffer another job and face a bad boss in a game? Absence with reason once in a while is ok and should never be punished. Have some empathy for people man.

  8. People need to understand that raiding isn't a second job, it's a hobby.

    People also need to understand though that raiding is a hobby with a commitment. It's not a job, but it is a commitment where 7 other people are counting on you to be there, and 7 other adults are expecting you to respect their time and they respect yours.

    We have long since left the times of big guilds with various players rotating out for a goal. If those ever return, it won't be in this MMO.

  9. LMAO, i was in Storms Crown Extreme "learning" party a while back that was led by him and OMG this guy was a clown. Its so surreal seeing a video being made about him that lines up with my own experience from that day. Hes the kind of player that shits on other raid leaders for their ego whilst totally having a lack of self awareness when it came to his own ego… lol buyer beware!

  10. The caturae became obsolete on content so fast. Once the first groups started beating them, most were a joke. This does not count that the content they were in gave you a god potion that maxed out your stats and let one man steamroll it


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